24 days pre-op, newbie to the forum, I have questions.

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/15 4:41 am
VSG on 12/17/15

Hello! I'm new the this forum it was suggested by my surgery team I find online support to help with pre and post op questions. My surgery is set for 12.23.15 and I'm beyond nervous and excited. I'm having my surgery through Rockwood Surgical group in Spokane, WA and my surgeon is Dr. Bright. I am female, 28, 5'6 1/2 and my current weight(as of 11.23.15) is 311 (I was at 323 at my first consult). My goal is currently 170 I know it is a bit on the high side but I am only cautiously optimistic at how much I will lose because my surgeons office keeps harping on not expecting to lose more than 60% of my excess total and I've struggled losing weight no mater how I have tried so I worry this will be the same. I have a few questions for the veteran sleevers please.

1) What do you wish you had known prior to surgery the most?

2) How did you make sure to hit your protein and water goals? I'm super nervous about that.

3) Did you experience hair loss? If so how severe? I already have thin hair so I am very nervous about this.

4) Do you have anxiety or depression? If so how did surgery affect that?

5) What was your goal weight? Did you end up higher or lower than that?

Thank you in advance!

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/15 10:19 am

1) What do you wish you had known prior to surgery the most?

That "full" does not feel the same. Full has a completely different feeling now. I have learned to go with "not hungry" rather than full. Full for me was a pleasant feeling pre VSG. Full now means I've eaten too much and it is a highly unpleasant feeling. I know that may seem like a silly thing to have wanted to know, but I do sometimes miss that pleasant, satisfying "full" feeling of pre surgery days. Weird, I know. 

2) How did you make sure to hit your protein and water goals? I'm super nervous about that.

Was easy for me in the beginning. I had a goal of drinking 2 oz of water every 15 minutes I was awake the first several weeks post op. That worked for me. I also had very little swelling and staying hydrated was not an issue. I drank 3 protein drinks a day for a while to make sure I got adequate protein. Now, almost 4 years out I still drink 1 protein shake per day and eat a protein centered diet.

3) Did you experience hair loss? If so how severe? I already have thin hair so I am very nervous about this.

No hair loss here. You can help your hair by eating a high protein diet NOW and take all your post op vitamins NOW. Hair loss is caused by 3 main things-rapid weight loss, stress, and surgery. You really won't know how your body will react, but you can prepare your body by giving it fantastic nutrition prior to surgery and then of course, afterwards. Get plenty of sleep and do your best to manage your stress. Your body will react to surgery in the way it will react. Nothing you can do about that except prepare for it through nutrition and being ready for it emotionally. I will say that I had no anxiety going into surgery by the time it rolled around. Prior to that, sure, but I was at peace with it on that day and so happy. I think that made a difference. 

4) Do you have anxiety or depression? If so how did surgery affect that?

Most people's depression symptoms improve as weight begins to drop. However, it's a good idea to have the support of a therapist, if you think it will help you. In hindsight, I wish I had done that. I have one now and it has been very helpful. 

5) What was your goal weight? Did you end up higher or lower than that?

My goal weight was 170 and I reached that in 7.5 months. I am male and 5'7". I maintained that for a while and then had some significant regain (all my doing - not because of surgery - like I said, counseling would have been good for me at the beginning). My surgical and support team believe my goal weight was too low, so I'm shooting for 180 now. I have just a bit more to go to get there. I should be there in a few months. 

Now I'm going to harp on you about your surgeon's office telling you to expect to lose only 60% of your extra weight. That is bothersome to me. Is that your surgeon's expectation and his track record? I would ask some questions of him/her, like what size sleeve will you get (bougie size- the tube they use to size your stomach). Do they make a tight sleeve or a loose sleeve around the bougie? What is the food program during weight loss? Is it all about smaller portions, or do they emphasize a new approach to eating, e.g. high protein, low carb, low calorie? 

VSG is not a standardized procedure. Sleeves can be made in many ways and many sizes. Most sleeves will be helpful getting to goal, but smaller sleeves seem to help maintain the loss a little more easily than larger sleeves - that is my observation.

I also want to say that getting to goal takes work. You have to commit to doing what it takes and that to me means eating a high protein, low carb, low calorie plan, weighing and tracking your food each and every day, and ideally, starting an exercise program (though you can lose weight without exercise, but you'll lose more muscle mass, too). 

Best of luck and welcome! 


diane S.
on 11/29/15 12:30 pm

K is right.  plan on losing 100% of excess weight and go for it. It is doable. your doctor probably doesn't want you mad at him if you don't get there so is giving you low expectations.  You can get there and go for it.   i ended up below goal and still am.  gl.   you will be glad you did this.  and stick to low carb post op.  diane

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(deactivated member)
on 11/29/15 3:48 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Thank you both so much for reply! I didn't really realize there were different size sleeves I just thought they take out 80-85% of the stomach and that's that. I will be prepared when I go in for my 2 week pre-op to ask more questions.

I think the reason they say 60% is because that is the average between their compliant and non compliant patients though I will ask for clarification to be sure. For example my(best work) friend who just had her surgery through the same center on 11.18.15 was told at her post op they had a sleever who after healing was eating at Mcdonald's three times a day, yikes!

I've met with the nutritionist (well they call themselves dietitians and I don't know if they means they are different) once so far and we have definitely talked about low carbs and high protein. They told me when I move to solids I will need to always eat my lean protein first(they emphasized beef and pork sparingly maybe once a week if I am craving it) but mostly fish/seafood and chicken,which is fine by me because I prefer those proteins. They also emphasized doing at least one shake a day for life is best usually for breakfast. Then they said eat non starchy (green) vegetables next and if and only if I have room a more carb heavy vegetable. Also they emphasized eating very slowly and chewing very well and not drinking with or 30 minutes around a meal so I have been trying to start that practice now to get into the habit.

Because I get one solid meal a day currently on Thanksgiving this past week I was allowed turkey, Brussels sprouts and literally 4 bites of potatoes. I was kinda bad and had a roll too (I love them) and I had a baked apple with cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice  for dessert. I know I know the carbs(but I was told I could have some to enjoy the holiday by the dietcian), other than that I have been super good this week.

I'm definitely on the search for a therapist/counselor I am just waiting on a referral from my gp's office. I was seeing a psychiatrist but she was 100% against barriatric surgery telling me that I would become an alcoholic (even though I barely drink, usually like one hard cider or a smirnoff ice drink, every 4 months on average) which I resented. It's not that I don't understand that when I cannot eat I could transfer addiction to drinking, but with the way I drink (I haven't been truly drunk since New Years Eve 2012) I think it's a non issue and I have never expressed to her any drinking issues.

I think my bigger issue may be marijuana (legal in WA State so I am not breaking the law lol) but I have stopped smoking for a month after 14 years of on and off smoking (okay so I used to break the law lol) and I feel fine and don't really miss it at all. We had other issues doctor to patient not related to surgery so I have stopped seeing her. 

Sorry this is such a long reply it's just awesome to find a community of people who are going through what I have, have already been through it or are considering it.

Oh and before I forget so far I am taking vitamins; I take a chewable, non gummy, multivitamin, biotin (because of my terror about hair loss also I'm trying to fix my nails after years of acrylics and biting my nails), b12, calcium, a lot of D (because I am very deficient due to the area I live and not getting a lot of sun because of how bad I burn, I'm a ginger). It was recommended I take iron and folic acid as well but I'm having a hard time finding chewable or sub lingual melting versions of those so I may have to wait until after I'm allowed to take pills (8 weeks post op) to get them in.  

Please feel free to continue to reply I appreciate it greatly! :)

on 11/30/15 4:13 pm

There is a vitamin patch that you can use. I was low iron until I switched to it, and it brought my levels up to normal in about 4 weeks. You can find them at patchmd.com, and there is usually a promo code for 40% off if you look for it. Get the multi plus version. 

I hope you don't mind my asking, but did smoking cause a lot of extra eating (munchies) and have you noticed now that you stopped smoking that is less of an issue?

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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(deactivated member)
on 11/30/15 10:28 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Hi! I don't mind you asking at all. I definitely got munchies so I think that did contribute somewhat but I can't really blame it on that. Because I could have still made healthy choices by keeping better healthier food in my house.

on 11/29/15 4:50 pm
RNY on 08/13/14

I wasn't going under the knife to lose 60% of my weight.  I was going for 100% weight loss from day one.  I promised myself to stay on plan and learn a new way of life.

1.)  I wish I hadn't spent so much on clothes that only fit for 1 month.

2.)  I honestly did not meet my protein or water goals the first couple of weeks, but I tried my best.  I had a rough start due to complications.

3.) I lost a TON of hair between months 3-8 but I had so much hair to begin with that it was barely noticeable.

4.) I was nervous that something would go wrong pre-op and my surgery would be canceled.  

5.) Goal weight was 150, I am lower than that but I am only 15 months post op.  

Good luck!

Lanie; Age: 43; Surgery Date (VSG): 8/12/14 w/complications resulting in RNY next day;

Height: 5' 6" SW: 249 Comfort Zone: 135-140 CW: 138 (10/13/17)

M1: -25 lbs M2: -12 M3: -13 M4: -7 M5: -11 M6: -10 M7: -7 M8: -7 M9: -3 M10: -8 M11: -4 M12: -4

5K PR - 24:15 (4/23/16) First 10K - 53:30 (10/18/15)

on 11/30/15 4:08 pm
On November 29, 2015 at 12:41 PM Pacific Time, Kellbellcda wrote:

Hello! I'm new the this forum it was suggested by my surgery team I find online support to help with pre and post op questions. My surgery is set for 12.23.15 and I'm beyond nervous and excited. I'm having my surgery through Rockwood Surgical group in Spokane, WA and my surgeon is Dr. Bright. I am female, 28, 5'6 1/2 and my current weight(as of 11.23.15) is 311 (I was at 323 at my first consult). My goal is currently 170 I know it is a bit on the high side but I am only cautiously optimistic at how much I will lose because my surgeons office keeps harping on not expecting to lose more than 60% of my excess total and I've struggled losing weight no mater how I have tried so I worry this will be the same. I have a few questions for the veteran sleevers please.

1) What do you wish you had known prior to surgery the most?

2) How did you make sure to hit your protein and water goals? I'm super nervous about that.

3) Did you experience hair loss? If so how severe? I already have thin hair so I am very nervous about this.

4) Do you have anxiety or depression? If so how did surgery affect that?

5) What was your goal weight? Did you end up higher or lower than that?

Thank you in advance!

  1. That I could absolutely hit 100% EWL. Set that goal now honey, and then go for it! 
  2. Kept a drink with me at all times. Used Isopure plus in the first few weeks due to the shakes sitting too heavy. Lots of ff greek yogurt. First two weeks I focused more on hitting the water goal than the protein goal.
  3. Yes. I am blessed with very thick hair, so even though I lost a fair amount it just got curly and still looked very full. The curls and loss were also made worse by treatments unrelated to wls.
  4. No. Quite the opposite. It felt like a huge weight lifted off of me emotionally to finally be doing something so proactive and positive for my health.
  5. At first, I set it at being able to wear a size 20 due to that being the largest size you can find in a tall department. I was afraid to set it at a normal bmi because early on that seemed unattainable. I realized by month 2 that I could make it all the way and I never looked back.

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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