Idiot moment now I need help
I am on a CPAP machine. The mask desperately needed cleaned. I sprayed Clorox bleach cleaner in the mask. I put it on and of course was inhaling the chemicals from the bleach. I soaked it in ho****er but I can't get the smell out and can't wear it. If I don't wear it, the insurance won't pay for it. Any suggestions on how i can get the smell out and not inhale the chemicals???
Call your service and order all new parts of everything that is plastic. The bleach "scarred" the plastic and that is what is retaining the smell. This is assuming that the basin in your machine is made of metal. When I still needed a CPAP, my mask and tubes were replaced every six months or more often if I felt it was needed. Good luck.
Well, like I said I was having an idiot moment. I have very oily skin and that coupled with sweat in the mask made the smell unbearable to wear. I tried to wipe it with a baby wipe but it did nothing. I didn't use pure bleach but even diluted bleach was too much.
She didn't tell me how to clean the mask, only the water container. I will be ordering a new one but I just reached my 6 month mark where the insurance will pay for it. I was just trying to figure out what to do until I get the new part.
Lesson learned!
Take a bottle of white vinegar and some cotton balls. Wipe the entire mask with the white vinegar. Detach the tubing and fill it white vinegar, then drain the vinegar out of the tubing.
The Clorox smell should be gone. In the future clean the mask and tubing with only white vinegar.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I was told I could use Ivory Soap and water to clean mine with. That also get the smell out. Also, the place where I get my mask replacement had wipes I could use. It is in a pull out container just like regular wipes but these are made for the cpap machine. It was that expensive and I wipe my mask out every night with the wipe. So easy!! Once a week I clean it with Ivory soap and water. Hope this helps. :)