I'm back!!!!!
Good evening campers, I came home today 11/18, had surgery yesterday. To be honest, when I was in pre-op at the hospital, I wanted to grab my clothes and leave more than once. That said I stuck with it, had the surgery and to be honest, it was pure misery, even above the pre-op diet. I feel like absolute crap warmed over. If I even take a sip of 1/3 of an ounce, I have what I am assuming is heartburn, I have never had heartburn before so I don't know how to articulate it. I was able to get down 16 ounces of fluid today, not too worried about that being I was on IV fluid all day today, but I am concerned about it tomorrow being I am at home, any suggestions?
What I'm guessing you are feeling is the swelling from the surgery. Does it feel tight down in the lower throat area moments after you swallow? I remember that feeling right after surgery. It was the water stopping up at the swelling and having to dribble down. Just keep sipping even through the discomfort. If it persists, then call your surgeon.
on 11/19/15 6:37 am
I found that fruit infused water went down more easily than anything else. I don't have an infuser pitcher, and I hate unitasker tools in the kitchen so I put some frozen berries and cut up citrus fruits in the bottom of a water pitcher and let that sit in the fridge overnight to work on the next day. I used cheesecloth instead of a regular strainer to separate out the solids when pouring into my water bottles. I filled up three 22 ounce water bottles every morning and put those back in the fridge so that I'd be able to keep track of my water intake without thinking about it because pain meds make me stupid. Then, I washed the pitcher, added some different fruit combinations and put it back in the fridge to infuse for the day.
The combinations that worked best for me were:
- frozen three berry mix (blackberry, strawberry, raspberry) with a few sprigs of fresh mint
- watermelon and fresh mint
- lemongrass and fresh ginger
- strawberries and fresh ginger
- lemon and fresh ginger
- clementines and limes
- frozen peach slices
I hope you feel better soon. Lots of people say that they had a hard time with cold liquids at first. The discomfort and pain will pass, and I hope you can get some good rest.
on 11/19/15 8:13 am
Surgery is never fun, and this was major surgery. The swelling in your sleeve is causing your misery, but you'll be surprised at how quickly over the next few days you'll be able to drink more without discomfort, as the swelling diminishes. Your stomach is not happy right now, and it's letting you know. It'll calm down.

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
Thanks for the replies, it was a pretty restless night, I normally sleep on my left side or chest down, I discovered last night, I tend to be more of a chest down sleeper, couldn't get comfortable on my left side, so I went back to the recliner, while that was more comfortable than the hospital bed, it was the same, I can't sleep on my back. I know I am not going to be able to sleep chest down until the swelling is gone which someone said was about a week, I think I will be a basket case by then. Once I got home I ditched the water and went back to my zero calorie Sobe Lifewaters, and I was also intermittently sucking on ice chips which helped to re-hydrate my mouth to some extent. Currently I am sipping my Premier Protein shake, between that, the percoset, prevaced, and some anti nausea meds, hopefully I will make it through the day.