Hurry up and now wait
It seems like the last 2 months has been crazy running around getting all the tests and evals done for insurance approval. Now its all done and I just have to wait. I really don't like this part.
I started my research on hear over a year ago and then did my 6months of Dr. & nutritionist supervised weight loss before I ever visited my a surgeon. I spoke with the two that were close and made my decision after talking with some that used each. Its funny the one I chose was not the one with the fancy Bariatric office with all the support in the office. I chose the one with better surgery record. I can only feel comfortable doing that with this site. You guys have been so helpful and I plan to lean on you ever more as I go through all of this.
So a tentative date of December 7th has been scheduled pending Insurance approval. I hope it all goes through in time, I really want to get this done prior to the end of the year.
Thank you everyone for your prior and future help.
I hope it goes super fast. Mine went way faster than I expected. I called last week and found out we were waiting on 1 report. Then the surgeon's office called this afternoon while I was out and said they had all the paperwork in and were sending it out for approval. They called back a few hours later and already had the approval, which was incredible! I never expected it the same day, in fact didn't think that was even possible. So my surgery is already scheduled in a few weeks. I thought I would be waiting a few more weeks. I pray you get your answer and date as quick as I did. I wish you the very best of luck on it alaskan dad.