Hi my name is joe I am new here

on 11/6/15 9:19 am, edited 11/6/15 9:21 am

My name is Joe I am 65 years old I have seen my doctor this cweek . My doctor told me he will do s vertical sleeve . I have seen the dietitians and have been given a list if things and test I need to have. I am starting off at 339 pounds I first said I wanted to get down to between 200  to 225. I have changed my mine I want to get to 199 pounds. I have not seen that weight since I was 10 years old.  We now have to see if medicare and care first will OK this surgery.

          In 2010 I had a lap band surgery done. I really did good at first I lost 70 pounds getting down to 274. I was walking 3 x1\2 miles each day . I started having hip problems I ended up having hip replacement surgery . I had my fills because after surgery I could not exercise much I gained 6 pounds. My doctor chewed me out for 15 minutes saying he was going to ripe the band out of me I was a quieter a looser . I became real depressed I started believing it I never went back. Within 2 years I was back to 309 pounds. Two months ago I passed my pre surgery weight of 354 pounds I am now 339. 

         I was doing this for myself I though but my wife told me if I loved her I would do it for her. I am selfish I am having this vertical sleeve for myself and myself only yes I am selfish.. I have had my left hip operated on two times did not work never been out of pain. I was given a president  the last surgery an orthro infection. I have been on antibiotics for 3 years I need a third surgery but they won't do it unless I loose at lease 80 pounds

         I just starting my journey any suggestions I would be thankful. Thanks joe

on 11/6/15 2:38 pm

Hi Joe and welcome!  I had my sleeve done when I was 61 and it's been almost 2 years for me.  For me the surgery was easy, it's the lifestyle changes that are hard.  No binge eating.  Limit the carbs.  I do eat everything now - I just have learned to limit portions especially carbs, and limit access.  I have little will power so no junk in the house.

So it is hard but it is so worth it.  I look and feel better at 63 than at 43 or 53!  Great blood pressure and no back and knee pain!

My advice, be patient, especially for older people the weight may come off slowly.  Start walking and exercising.  I could barely do 1/2 mile when I started and I do three brisk miles five days a week now.

Good luck on your journey.  I promise it is worth it.


on 11/7/15 12:18 am

Hi Joe, I'm brand spanking new here myself, literally just joined minutes ago. I started my journey a few months back, and am still in the middle of the process. All my tests are done, just doing the weigh ins now that are required by my insurance. I hope by the end of this month, I can submit everything and really get down to the nitty gritty and have a surgery date. I started exercising, drinking protein shakes, started eating breakfast, drinking more water early because I want them to become habits for my post-op. Since I am a newbie like yourself, that's the only thing I could think of doing to make myself more successful. Oh, and I took a before picture the day I decided I wanted to pursue this, even before talking to a doctor to see if he concurs. I wish you much success on your journey too!



on 11/10/15 5:57 pm

I wish you much luck Dawn. I need the sleeve to protect myself from myself. When under great stressing medicate myself with food I need this tool along with the diet to finally loose weight I just want to be and feel normal. This probable sounds bad for a man married for 46years but Idont want to repulse women I don't want them to move away from me in the same room. They might not do that but that is the way I feel. I have never known that feeling in my whole life. I know it sounds crazy

on 11/10/15 11:50 pm

Hi Joe, I think most of us have dealt with low self-esteem issues, myself included. I had to sit down with myself and have a good self conversation (no, I don't think I'm crazy). I thought about why I thought people disliked me, and that's why I tried to be the smart, funny, fat friend who supported everybody (everybody but myself). Then, I thought, what would it hurt, truly, if I started thinking about me for a change, not what "people" thought, or what I imagined they thought. It started small. It didn't hurt to not smile everyday and pretend all is fine. I stopped trying to be the only one who "fixed" things, stopped being a doormat. Now, I'm all the way up to fixing me, for me. I want to run, I want to stop my medications, I want to be active, I want to see my granddaughters walk down the aisle, and meet any future grandchildren and actually be able to do things. I want to live a long life with my husband, god-willing. That's all for me. It all started with a good cry, self reflection, and I made the decision to stop hating myself, and start loving myself to make some real changes. 


Now, I do still like to support people, but I realize it's because I like to support people, not because I want anyone to like me. I still lend an ear, helping hand, or whatever it is, because it makes me happy. It's one thing I have control over. When I get sad, that pasta still calls out to me, believe me, but it's going to leech onto me (probably somewhere in my hips) and I have to realize it each and every time, that I can't rely on food to make me happy. I have to dig deep, and try to find the silver lining in my situation to get me through. My attitude of gratitude has helped me through many a rough time, but I am so thankful that I had a mind change.


I'm sorry that this is so long, but I am truly trying to help. Love yourself Joe, you are worth it.



on 11/11/15 5:32 am

Thank you Dawn you are so right I will have to change the way I think. I get so mad when people say this is the easy way out to loose weight. I can't see how it is easy we have to fight our body our brain and food.  I hope you are having a good day write whenever you want. I glad you said you talk to yourself I do that all the time I know I am not the only one. I just don't talk to myself but I fight with myself and even answer myself. Have a great day Dawn.   Joe

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