Will I be okay with a flight layover?
I'm hoping those of you who have had surgery can give me some insight as to whether you think I'll be able to manage with a 4 hour layover 3 days after surgery? I booked my flights using Air Miles and although the flight home from Mexico is only 3 hours total, there is a 4 hour layover in Calgary. Would you have been okay pain-wise with being stuck in an airport for that length of time? Can you offer me any advice as to how I can manage comfortably? Thanks in advance!
I flew back from Texas to Nova Scotia 3 days post-op with a quick plane change in Houston and a longer layover in Toronto. It was a very long day and I was tired at the end. I had no pain, just a mild soreness. I was travelling alone so I checked my small carry-on so I was only carrying a purse. I was provided a prescription pain med (non narcotic) by my surgeon that I took for 10 days post op and that really took care of any discomfort. The main thing for me was lack of energy. I was sipping on vitamin water and Gatorade all day, but the volume is so small it doesn't help much.
I think you will be fine, just tired by day's end.
For me, no. But i had severe nausea for two weeks. But that is not the norm. Just in case, keep your nausea medications within reach at all times and your fluids. I think you will be okay. Lots of people posted about flying back a few days after surgery with no polroblems. But, if you get nauseated easily. I would suggest otherwise.
My surgery was on October 21st (so 3 weeks ago tomorrow) and there is NO WAY I would have been able to fly 3 days after surgery. I was still pretty sore, especially from the larger of the incisions where they pulled my stomach out of and I definitely could not have walked through an airport. Just walking my cul de sac was difficult. I was very active before the surgery (I play competitive tennis), but I still couldn't have done it. I did fly 2 weeks after for my job and that was okay (still tired, but okay). Of course, everyone is different, but I would plan to play it by ear - if you don't feel well enough to do it, I wouldn't. It would be a shame to put yourself back after everything you went through. Plus checking with your surgeon would be wise. Good luck and take care of yourself!
ask for a wheel chair. you will get on the plane first and be pushed all around the air port. adn i flew just fine 3 days after surgery., just tired. adn the pain meds will hopefully put you to sleep. mine sure did.i had a 4 hr flight from lax to kansas city mo. i slept all but a half hr.