
on 11/5/15 6:46 pm

I am really having a hard time with this.. I had my surgery on 10/26/15- about 10 days ago. I am still on this horrid full liquid diet which I am sick of. On Monday, I can start my soft diet. I have been sticking to protein shakes in the am, 1 cup of low sodium/low cal full liquid soup for lunch and dinner with 1 scoop of non flavored protein powder in the soup. W ater all day long.. I am back at work- (nurse), I am on my feet running around all day long.. This week, I havent lost any weight. And actually, from yesterday to today.. I gained almost 2 lbs! Not being able to "eat" anything has been really difficult and I'm finding it very hard to be positive this week.. 

End of rant. Thanks for reading and understanding. 

Age:31| Height 5', 5"| VSG on 10/26/15 | Starting Weight: 277 | Current Weight: 153| WL so far: 124 lb | Goal Weight: 155

on 11/5/15 6:56 pm - Spokane Valley , WA

Give it time, lady!  Different people lose at different rates.  I've seen here that it's not uncommon for people to gain a few pounds right after surgery.  I am having my surgery on Weds. Nov. 11th and I'm already sick of this dang diet and I haven't even had the surgery yet!  Oye!  You'll start melting away in no time, and my dietitian told me that you will be the last to notice...  Maybe stay off the scale for a bit so you don't feel poopy about it and stress out.  You're doing great!  

on 11/5/15 7:11 pm

Thank you for your response. It it just to hard when you have gone through so much- pre-op diet, surgery, pain, post op diet.. and to feel like it's not going any where is pretty depressing. I am feeling emotional this week which I have NEVER felt before. Also, since I can't lift, my 15 month old baby is staying with family. So, that is making this harder when I feel like I haven't progressed.. 

Age:31| Height 5', 5"| VSG on 10/26/15 | Starting Weight: 277 | Current Weight: 153| WL so far: 124 lb | Goal Weight: 155

on 11/5/15 7:29 pm - Spokane Valley , WA

I feel ya.  I had my gall bladder removed when my son was 6 months old and I couldn't pick him up after surgery either.  :/  It's hard, but I'm glad you have people there to help you.  When you start feeling down, try to remember that this is a new path and you're still at the base of the mountain.... It may look daunting and feel like you are getting nowhere, but each step is slowly taking you closer to the top where you can see it all and say, "I climbed that mountain - here's my picture to prove it."  You can do it, and I'm glad you got on here and expressed yourself because keeping it inside is certainly not helpful.  Slow is ok.  Think less about the scale and pay more attention to the fit of your clothes, and remember, muscle weighs more than fat.... Maybe you're just running around being a nurse and building up those leg muscles.... 

You're doing great, and it's ok to have emotional ups and downs.... It's actually expected, and we are all here for you.  


32 years old; Height: 5'6.5";   4 Wks Pre-op: 10/14/15 - 312 lbs with BMI 55

Surgery Date: 11/11/15 -  271 lbs;  3 Wks Post-op: 12/02/15 - 253 lbs with BMI 44 

on 11/6/15 9:07 pm

Emotional is expected.  Believe me, hormones do change after surgery.  I'm 59 and have been in menopause for at least 8 years, yet I had a day's bleeding about a week or so out.  My surgery nurse said it was hormones and my family doctor said, "At 59!!"  Well, it was.  Your body is just adjusting to the changes and the weight loss will catch up soon enough.  It's very frustrating to work so hard and not have the results you want, but keep plugging away and it will work.  Best of luck!!

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/15 7:13 pm

Rant and rant some more. Your ranting is welcome while you deal with your healing tummy. Im hglad you are doing well. Hugs and strength. 

on 11/5/15 7:38 pm

I was sleeved on 10/26 also and feel like I could have written your post. I'm not losing either and gained a little today also. I'm going to weigh in tomorrow and then put my scale away - only going to weigh in on Fridays. I've stuck to plan too and can't believe the scale isn't going any where! 


We are in the same boat - praying I see something soon!

on 11/6/15 1:12 am

I feel your pain to some extent. I recently started my two week pre-op diet and I while I understand the need for it, and yes I have stuck with it, whoever came up with the need for it regardless of it being necessary is a complete sadist. What makes me stoic about it is the end result. Each step brings me one step closer to my goal. I just try to hold on to the illusion/delusion that 6-9 months from now I will be in a much happier mentality. Hang in there and good luck.

on 11/6/15 3:54 am

Put the scales away and pull out those pants that were too tight!!  Clothes can be a true indicator of size reduction when the scale numbers are indifferent.  Try things on every few days





VGS- 2015

on 11/6/15 4:52 am - Woburn, MA

My guess is that it's just fluid - read through these posts and see the success people have had - and let it encourage you to stay on course.  It will get better.  

VSG on 04/28/2014

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