So, first day home from the hospital...and I have be coughing. It comes in spurts...but I have been coughing stuff up too. Please tell me this isn't a run to the emergency room kind of thing. My stomach is pretty sore, I have been sipping liquids all day, but haven't got much in....and walking...well...I have been taking short walks and then tire very quickly. Thoughts?
So, first day home from the hospital...and I have been coughing. It comes in spurts...but I have been coughing stuff up too. Please tell me this isn't a run to the emergency room kind of thing. My stomach is pretty sore, I have been sipping liquids all day, but haven't got much in....and walking...well...I have been taking short walks and then tire very quickly. Thoughts?
Not unusual to cough following general anesthesia, you had a tube down your throat which can irritate things in there and make you cough. Also very normal to be extremely fatigued and have no endurance, your calorie intake is so small @ this point that any amount of exertion will leave you feeling weak.
So what's coming up when you cough? Green nasties? Or blood? (Old blood looks brownish new looks bright red), old blood could be from the surgery but new stuff is not normal and you need to have it looked at. Also anything that looks like coffee grounds is concerning and should be addressed.
Green or yellow sputum is usually a sign of some kind of respiratory infection. Could just be a nasty cold (I had a cough for 3 WEEKS following my surgery, it sucked). The difference between a cold and the flu or pneumonia is the presence of a fever. Do you have a fever? (remember if you are taking anything with acetaminophen in it your fever could be masked) If so I would see a doc. Also if you are short of breath in any way, see a doctor.
For me, my cough after surgery was the most annoying thing about the whole post op experience. Coughing hurt. I had a cold but it just went on and on. I felt like a pack a day smoker, and I've never lit up in my life.
Hope your feeling better, but if that cough doesn't resolve in the next few days, get yourself checked out.

I was given a plastic device to blow into periodically while in the hospital to help keep my lungs clear. I'd suggest checking in with the doctor because breathing problems are a concern after anesthesia. Its worth checking.
best wishes,

Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385, Surgery Weight 333, Current Weight 160. At GOAL!
Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12 8-8
9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3 18-3
The first time, I coughed up a dark gray, ball of grossness. After that, it's been just clear/whitish. Not very frequently...just every so often. Mostly, it hurts to cough. I have been using my hand to support my stomach when coughing...but should I be concerned about tearing something on the inside? A stitch or staple or something?
No fever..just this annoying cough.