5 Years Out from VSG ~ How Are You Doing???

on 10/27/15 6:41 am - TX

5 years out from VSG and wondering how others are doing?

What do you eat each day? I eat very small portions of good quality protein. Normally, Chobani greek yogurt, egg whites, beans, dark meat chicken, fish, shrimp, and also fruits and vegetables.

Do you get all your protein from food or do you supplement with shakes? I get all my protein from food, no shakes.

Did your hair come back and is it the same as before surgery? All of my knee-length hair fell out at the roots over a period of about six months. During the first 6 months after surgery, I was hospitalized five times 1) gall bladder removal, 2) stricture of scar tissue that grew across and closed my sleeve completely, 3) a hole created from EGD trying to open the stricture, 4) placement of stint to help hole in sleeve close, 5) more procedures to try to heal hole. I lived on a PICC line that I went home with for 8 weeks. I said ALL this to say that my hair is all back now BUT it's super CURLY, like wildly curly! So this is a new experience for me for sure! With the Texas humidity my hair is unpredictable, too. Gotta laugh because I prayed it would come back and it has!

Do haters still tell you that you'll gain it all back? I have a few people who I would like to smack when they say things like this. The only reason I don't is that they are super morbidly obese just like I was and they're miserable in their own life. I just encourage them that they'll know when the time is right for them to change their lives and the VSG is an incredible TOOL for help them. I stress that changing your lifestyle and your mindset is what will help you succeed.

Many blessings to each of you! Hang in there with the step you're at right now :-) Hope to hear from y'all :-)


on 10/27/15 9:36 am - NJ

16 months out from VSG surgery --

What do you eat each day? I eat very small portions of good quality protein five times a day, three meals and two snacks. Normally, a protein bar for breakfast, tuna, chicken or veggie burger and cheese for lunch, Light & Fit Greek yogurt for 3:00 snack, protein and veggies for dinner, and something sweet (no sugar added fudgesicle) for night snack, plus fruit with breakfast or after dinner if it is a hungry day.

Do you get all your protein from food or do you supplement with shakes? I have a protein bar (usually Quest) for breakfast and get the rest of my protein from food, very rarely shakes.

Did your hair come back and is it the same as before surgery? I lost about one third of my very thick hair, had it cut into a layered bob to hide the new growth and it is now all back as thick as before, no more wispy pieces and with a little more wave .

Do haters still tell you that you'll gain it all back? Yes, most notably, my mother constantly warns me as if I don't have an absolute fear of regaining. I loosen the reigns on weekends, which is when she sees me eat and she always comments even though I have explained it a thousand times. It's my mom, she worries so I shake it off, but I never hide what I am eating. If I choose to eat off-plan, it is usually planned during the week and if I still want it, I eat it and have no guilt even with the comments. A few people at work have told me about their family member, friend or acquaintance who lost all their weight, gained it back... and I say that is a shame. If I feel the person is sincere, I will say that I am trying to take precautions such as visiting my doctor regularly, attending support groups and therapy sessions, and I have changed my habits. If I feel they are insincere, I just say that it is a shame and either walk away or change the subject.


on 10/27/15 10:30 am - TX

Great to hear you're doing well, JoAnne!

on 10/27/15 1:07 pm - Woburn, MA

What do you eat each day: I eat everything, in moderation - if i feel like a bagel, i core out half, toast it and throw the other half away, essentially eating about 1/3 of a bagel...i weigh myself every day and reign it in if the scale starts to move.

I have not had a shake since before surgery. I refuse and get plenty of protein from real food.

My hair fell out - but I have very thick hair - while drying it this week (1.5 years out from surgery) i realized it is back to it's former thickness.

Only one person has made a gain it back comment - a rny-er who gained 50 lbs. It's a slippery slope and that's why I weigh myself every day and my goal is to be at least 3 lbs under goal. I have done well so far.

This surgery is nothing short of miraculous in my opinion. Best of luck to everyone.

VSG on 04/28/2014

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