Literally dreaming of food...

on 10/16/15 1:33 pm

So today is Day 1 of my liquid diet and last night I had a mini food funeral like many people do. Not too terrible but one last coke, burger, and cheese tot. Last night as I went to sleep I literally dreamed of food!!! In my dream I was on the liquid diet and my work had brought in these wonderful sandwiches and I ate a whole one before I remembered I wasn't supposed to eat. LOL! I guess, my subconscious is so worried it is going to miss out on eating socially and eating whatever I want, when I want that I dreamed about it! Crazy!

Can you share honestly how much you can eat in a typical day and how far post-op you are? Also, does anyone remember if in the liquid diet tomato soup was allowed?

Thanks so much! I truly appreciate every response! :)

on 10/16/15 2:32 pm

Tomato soup made with skim milk was allowed on my liquid diet. I added a little bit of protein powder to mine and that helped give me fuel.

on 10/16/15 2:37 pm

Thanks! That helps! I wasn't sure because it wasn't a broth and not necessarily a cream soup either. :)

on 10/16/15 2:39 pm

Hi, I am 8 days post op and here is a typical day for me on the post-op full liquid diet:


Waking: 4 oz water or protein shake

Breakfast: 2 oz Malt O Meal or greek yogurt

Snack: 11 oz protein shake (or remaining 7 oz from waking)

Lunch: 2 oz Cream of Potato or Broccoli and Cheese soup (both have to be blended and strained)

Snack: 11 oz protein shake

Dinner: 2 oz soup or yogurt or pudding or Unjury Chicken Soup protein powder

Sipping on water all day.


Tomato soup is not recommended on my plan due to the acid levels.

I wish you the best of luck! The pre-op liquid diet was by far the hardest part for me so far. If you can get through it, the rest of this (so far for me) is a breeze!!


Age: 42 | Height: 5'9 | Surgery Date: 10/08/15 | Starting Weight: 279.2 | Surgery Weight: 266 | Goal Weight:165 | Current Weight: 224.8 | WL so far: 54.4 lbs

on 10/16/15 2:45 pm

Looks pretty good. I was going to have cream of potato or broccoli cheese but wasn't sure what they meant for strained and I made a mistake and didn't buy fat-free. Does that matter?

on 10/16/15 4:04 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/24/15 with

In the first couple of weeks my surgeon told me not to do reduced calorie or reduced fat items. He said that is because it will be difficult to get enough calories in to sustain me. That first week of clear fluids I was getting only 300-500 cals a day. Even now on full fluids its a struggle to get enough calories in and usually it's around 600-700. I find that any less then that and I feel extremely fatigued, and have no endurance for even small amounts of exertion. I start soft foods tomorrow, and at that time I will resume a high protein low carb diet. In terms of fat, I will be watching saturated fat content mainly, as we all need the good fats from nuts (in very small amounts), avocados, fatty fish etc for good heart health and brain function.

on 10/16/15 7:40 pm
VSG on 11/02/15

Oh man that sounds good. I'm on my 4th day of pre-op liquids and food still sounds good. So today I decided to "sample" some pizza and let me tell you it was very uncomfortable going down. I guess since everything is shrinking theres no space for food to go down. Unfortunately the cravings are still around but now that I now it hurts to swallow and is very uncomfortable when its in the stomach I wont be cheating again! Anywho good luck!

on 10/17/15 8:04 am

Good luck! I'm now on day 2 and it's not AS bad today as the first day but I have a wedding to go to tonight and am going to have to pack a lunch kit of water and protein shake while everyone else is eating, drinking, and having cake! That will be tough.

on 10/16/15 9:52 pm

Last week I dreamed that Anthony Bourdain invited my husband and me to his home to try out a huge buffet of new chocolate confections he invented. Weird, because I'm not that big a fan of chocolate, and because Bourdain doesn't like sweets very much. But then dreams don't usually make much sense.


  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 10/17/15 8:07 am, edited 10/17/15 1:08 am

This had me laughing out loud! I am glad I'm not the ONLY one dreaming of food. But, a spread by a culinary chef like Anthony, would be extremely hard to pass up and chocolate is one of my BIGGEST weaknesses. Everyone says your tastes change after surgery, I can't imagine not liking sweets or chocolate! LOL!

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