one year later

on 10/12/15 2:23 pm

Well, its almost here. Its been a year since I began this journey.

Its been everything you guys said it would be and more.

The weight loss has exceeded my expectations, the health improvements

have been astounding.

At this point, its all me. The restriction is all but gone. If I wanted to, I could binge

just like the old days and pack it back on. That is not an option for me going forward.

For the first 7 or 8 months, I couldn't have overdone it if I wanted to. I didnt have to

count anything but protein and water. Now, I am really watching calories and carbs close.

I am still 25 lbs from my clinical goal and the weight loss has slowed waaayyy down, about 1

pound a week.

I have noticed lately, a drop in energy levels. Diet and activity have remained consistent. I do get

the hungries more often now but get through it best I can.

Would I do it again? Oh yea!

Still working hard to make goal but very pleased with the new me.

I love my sleeve!


on 10/12/15 2:44 pm

Well done! I'm sorry to hear you feel like your restriction is gone. I'm 14 months post op and I still feel restriction like crazy. I'm wondering what makes the difference.

Billy D.
on 10/12/15 5:33 pm

Congrats! did any of your old cravings come back yet? Did you think of this as hard work or was it a breeze or somewhere in between. I am new and just wondering if people find this difficult or easy. So far with me it seems too good to be true. I don't feel like it is work at all sticking to diet and exercise plan. Strange as I suffered through every diet before and seen little success. Good luck maintaining your loss.

on 10/12/15 9:35 pm

As Ronald Reagan would say, "WELL..." Its all been hard work, but the honeymoon stage is obviously over.

What I mean by that is, at first it was automatic almost. I couldnt possibly get enough good protien in and

still have room for "fluff" veggies, yogurt, cheese, stuff like that, to go over my calorie goal.

But now, the room is there, I just dont wanna use it. SO, that said, Im counting calories and carbs now.

1100 calories, under 50gr carbs daily. I slip up a little on one or the other but never both in the same day. (Theoretically)

Eight and a half months out is when I noticed restriction easing. No real bad cravings for junk yet but Im prepared for that.


Its been totally worth the effort, its just gonna take a little more now.

No more surgeries, its all up to me now. I got this!

I love my sleeve!


on 10/13/15 3:51 am


I'm counting my calories and carbs now too. I'm just curious as to how you came up with your program of 1100 calories, under 50 g carbs daily--maybe thru trial and error? or did your nutritionist tell you to shoot for these numbers?


on 10/13/15 5:54 pm

I dont even see a nutritionist, why? All the info you need is available via the internet, and no one knows whats right for you, more than you.

Its all about choices, right or wrong. I saw a nut 1 time to make my surgeon happy. Ill never get that 100 dollar bill and 1 hour of my lfe back. It was a total waste of time and money imho.

We all know down inside, what is right and wrong, we just dont always make the right decision. I wont pay somebody to tell me what I already know.

As far as my numbers go, it is a trial and error thing I think.

My surgeon told me to shoot for 60g protien, 65 oz of water or more, and limit net carbs to 35g or under per day. He said NOTHING about calories.

Ive spent the biggest part of this year finding out what works for me. A nut will tell you general info that just MIGHT work.

Ive found a routine that works for me. Might not work for others

The sleeve journey has been more educational than any nut can possibly be unless they have gone through it themselves.

Even then, no 2 of us is going to see the exact results from the same practices .

I learned from my body what I needed. When it changes, I change with it. More activity = more protien , more protien = more calories.

pretty simple huh?

No more shakes for me, its all about good protien, 100 plus g a day now. Adding complex carbs helps me maintain energy levels so

I can keep my activity level high, thus burning more calories. 1100 seems to be the magic number right now.

No garbage carbs, only veggies and whole grains.

While my weight loss has slowed to a crawl, its still going the right way, down.

Eventually Ill have to stabilize and maintain , but I think that will happen all by itself. Just check the scale occationaly and adjust

accordingly. I have learned how to do this. Its no longer an obsession, but a lifestyle for me. The tool has performed absolutely fantastically.

But we cant expect that to last forever, can we? Its up to us now to apply our newfound knowledge to find a balance and live it.

All of this wisdom applies ONLY to my situation. Hopefully, some of it can help others. But ultimately each of us will find our own way.

Does any of this make since? I dont know, but it seems to work for me. Food no longer runs my life!



195 lbs lost in 1 year. 25 to go to make goal. Happy if I dont loose another pound.

on 10/12/15 10:19 pm

As the GREAT Ronald Reagan would say "WELL..."

Its all been hard work, nothing EASY about changing your lifestyle, kickin bad habits, and using food for fuel after 50 plus years

of eating to eat, not to live.

The "honeymoon stage" is obviously over, its not automatic anymore. The first 8 months or so was nearly that, automatic.

I didnt need to count anything but protien and water, there was no room for anything else. Fast forward to 11 months 3 weeks 3 days.

Now its all about fuel mileage, what it takes to get through the day. No more, No less.

1100 calories and under 50g of carbs is my target, but, I seldom hit both, but I am mindful of these numbers now.

Only cravings Ive caved in to is a sweet tea or two and a cold LIGHT beer once in a great while. Not a 6 pack, but 1 bottle.

Still count protien, I look for 10% of calories to be 70 to 80 g a day, about 700 t0 800 calories for protien. That leaves little for fluff.

EASY? UH, NO! But I wont go back, so if it gets a little harder, so be it. I GOT THIS!

Ive worked too damn hard to this point to loose control.

SO, to answer your question; EASY? UH NO! WORTH THE WORK? OH HELL YEA! Would I do it again? UH HUH, YOU BET I WOULD.

Its all me now, no more surgeries, the tool has done its job.



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