Question for all you sleevers

on 10/1/15 6:37 pm

Jennifer, I had my surgery on the 29th too.  Liquids seem to be increasing each's tough though.  Very sore and I thought my 17 stairs were going to be a problem but I didn't have much trouble. Good luck with your continued progress.

Jennifer G.
on 10/2/15 7:30 pm

Thanks for the support everyone. Here I am at day 3 post-op and I feel way better. The improvement I felt in a matter of hours from the morning of day 2 to the late afternoon was remarkable. The nausea improved dramatically when I went of the pain meds and and just started taking Tylenol. Turns out that nausea is a common side effect of dilauded. I did end up going home yesterday and I think that helped. I absolutely loathe hospitals.

I'm still not taking in nearly enough fluids but I will get there eventually. Not even concerned with protein yet. Just working on slowly increasing fluids and adding more "full" fluids in as I can tolerate them. I can't stress over protein until I can get more fluids in. Doc says a tablespoon every few min for the first few days. I was able to take in about 1/4 cup of homemade broth today. Took over 1/2 hr but I did it! I've discovered Popsicles are quite a treat and even had some hot tea today.

The pain is way better. I was able to do some laundry (had my son carry the basket to and from the laundry room), cooked some soup from scratch and loaded/unloaded the dishwasher. I finally feel some hope that I didn't make a huge mistake!!

Thanks for the support! It helped knowing I wasn't alone.

on 10/3/15 4:17 pm

I'm 4 days out now and it does get better. Hang in there.

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