Surgery Update

on 9/26/15 2:04 pm

Hey everyone,

I've had a lot of people asking me about how surgery went. My surgery date was 9/21/2015. I didn't leave the hospital until two days later due to nauseousness and stomach pain. I am post op 5 days & I'm not finding it as easy to walk and deal with the stomach pain as everyone was making it out to be. I heard so many people say they are doing great by 5 days after surgery. Maybe my body is taking a while longer than most but the stomach pains are at about a 6 right now. I try not taking the Percocets they gave me for the pain due to the constipation it causes. I only take them when the pain is too much & mainly at bedtime to go to sleep. I'm not running any fevers; I'm not feeling any other symptoms besides the pain in my stomach & getting tired & fatigue after 20 min walks. I still walk with a walker just when I'm taking longer walks like in a store or at a mall. I can walk around the house without it. I was surprised to realize that I can't handle the protein shakes like I'd hoped I could after surgery. They make me nauseous and although I haven't thrown up from drinking them I can't handle more than 4 little cups that they give you at the hospital & then I have to stop. Although I know in the 2 weeks post-op I shouldn't be worried about the 64oz of fluids or the 60-80g of protein because I'm still healing; I'm nervous I'm not getting enough in my system to keep me healthy. I have been drinking at least 4 small cups of protein shake in the morning (even though it makes me nauseous), at least a whole water bottle a day, maybe a half of yogurt (not always), a popsicle or two a day, & a cup of chicken broth for dinner. Every morning I take my Calcium, Vitamin D, multivitamins, stool softener (2x day), & a pill they prescribed for me at the hospital to help with the healing of my new found FrankenSleeve. Sometimes even breathing is hard; like taking deep breathes. I feel the pain in my new stomach. I find myself still having the hunger but when I start eating I don't want to eat hardly as much as I'm used to. I still crave the sweets I used to love. I guess I just miss eating real food. All this liquid is leaving me hungry for real solid food. Maybe some of you can give me some advice on how my process is going so far; & maybe help me understand what I'm feeling about food & if it's normal.

Hopefully I can get through this tough two weeks. I started at 287 when I went into surgery; 5 days post op I'm 281. Please give me advice guys!! I'm feeling defeated with the pains & aches plus feeling like I want to stuff my face. HELPPPPP!!!!



on 9/26/15 2:35 pm

Dear Luisa,

I'm with ya, girl!

i had my surgery same day as you, so that makes us sleeve sisters :)

i really really really identify to wanting to eat so badly, even though I know my new stomach couldn't do it if I tried. I miss the textures, tastes....and I really miss how I had food to deal with every feeling imanigable.....I feel so stripped and exposed without it.

im embarrassed to admit that I actually feel lonely and sad without food.

It sounds pitiful to say, but it's my truth. Food has been like my heroin, and I'm so lost without it.

i know this is true for many of us.

I'm going to go to an overeaters anonymous meeting tomorrow......


As far as the food....I can't tolerate much of the chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry shakes.

The tastes get me nauseous fast. I did order enjury chicken soup flavor protein, and managing to get down 3--8oz servings with a total of 60+ grams of protein.

I also have unflavored egg white protein which I plan to mix with anything puréed--once I can have it.

My surgeons instructions are confusing because the hand-out says no puréed foods for two weeks, but their website says ok from day 5. I compromised and tolerated a few spoons of cottage cheese today.

My understanding is that the closer we can get to 80oz of protein a day-the better, so I try not to have anything that isn't protein packed besides water/liquids.


i relate to so much you said, so just remember that you aren't alone.

One day at a time, we are healing and getting stronger....AND THINNER!!!






on 9/26/15 3:09 pm

Hello Sleeve Sista,

I can definitely relate to missing the taste & textures of food. I don't think I'm to the point of feeling exposed & stripped of food. I feel deprived of it; like I want to eat what my family is eating but can't. That sort of thing. I hope you going to that meeting will help you get through those feelings & thoughts. I just want to eat solid foods; I think at that point I'll feel better when I do. But this liquid diet is KILLING ME!! Not really but it will all be worth it. For both of us. We can do this. It's tough now but Dina believe me all those people that found success at the end of the road didn't give up. They didn't look at the loss of food they focused on the loss of weight and the gain of a new healthy life. They saw the life they could live without food being a crutch. Because like you & I we used food based on our emotions & feelings. With this surgery we can't stuff our faces anymore. Use the struggles as another reason to stay on this road & focus on the diet given to us by our surgeons to the best to our ability.

 Stay on track Dina.  

We are all on here for the same reason. To help each other  through this surgery. I'm here if you need a push!




on 9/26/15 2:35 pm

What you described is pretty typical. Keep a drink with you at all times and keep sipping. You don't want to get dehydrated, which in turn increases nauseua and for some results in a trip to the ER and IV's. It is good you are trying to get your protein shakes in . Sometimes changing the temperature helps- I added protein powder to a hot drink or did a hot high protein cream of chicken soup for example. Craving sweets- that part sucks and it will be with you for a bit. However, if you force yourself to eat completely clean you will be astounded that in a few weeks your cravings utterly change from that crappy food over to super healthy options. Great job with your vitamins- keep it up. Popsicles are a type of fluids so stick to sf versions and use them. The stomach does get better- just hang in there. As far as your loss, remember they pump you full of a ton of fluids in the hospital. What I recommend is that you measure right now, and in the future when the scale is not cooperating you will be able to see the inches melting off instead. Finally, hormonal dumping is very typical during the early weeks so be gentle with yourself- that too shall pass. Hang in there!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 9/26/15 3:13 pm

Great advice I'll keep it all in mind. Thank you for your reply. I am thankful for the help and giving me ideas on how to make my process a little easier. Again thank you!!


on 9/26/15 3:23 pm

Hi Luisa, I had muy surgery on the 22nd. For the first couple of days anything cold that hit my stomach was instant pain and nausea. I can relate to the pain. I didn't even walk the day of my surgery because of the pain. I also couldn't stay awake. Even though I came home on the second day all I did was sleep. I'm able to get in 10 grams of chocolate Unjury 4 times a day. I drink 3 bottles of water through out the day.I take my multi vitamin and calcium. I also have sugar free popsicles and jello when I can. I'm still at the point of what in the heck did I do. I'm hoping it gets better. I hope you start feeling better soon. Please keep us posted.




on 9/26/15 6:14 pm

Thanks so much for your words!! That makes me feel like I can get through this!! Where are you guys finding this Unjury protein because I can't seem to find it anywhere unless I buy it online! & almost everything you're eating is what I'm eating! I have to grab some more sugar free Popsicles tomorrow! & I'm not sure how you're getting down 3 bottles of water I sure can't just yet. But I will try harder! Thank you & I will keep you guys posted! You all seem like my family in a way we are family-WLS family!! 

My best,


on 9/26/15 6:41 pm

My surgeons office carries the Unjury. Does yours carry any protein products?




on 9/26/15 6:45 pm

No my surgeon is located in a huge hospital. They only have all the vitamins in the downstairs pharmacy. They don't carry products to sell. 

on 9/26/15 4:58 pm
VSG on 09/02/15

I'm sry you have having a rough time! I have to just remind you that... it does get easier. You experience so far seems very normal. I didn't have constant pain but was super sore, my stomach did however hurt when I'd have something to cold. I could not get protein shakes down... they instantly made me want to throw up.  My savior was mixing some unflavored protein in with some warm chicken broth, and I've been loving Bariwise protein hot chocolate! You can find them online. Curbs the sweet tooth and has 15gms of protein. Remember right now your main priority is getting enough liquids in. I really hope you start to feel better soon!


Age 37 starting weight 301lbs, 5'6. VSG and Gallbladder removal September 2nd 2015

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