Brand new sleeve

on 9/26/15 1:46 pm

hi all.

i just got my sleeve on Monday, and it seems like as soon as I opened my eyes post-anesthesia I felt pain and the even more dreaded hunger.

its persisted, this low hollow ache....I don't know if it's acid, or head hunger, or something else.

i could still only take little sips, so I couldn't act on it even if I wanted to......but it just has me kind of worried and scared.

Does anyone else have similar experiences to share, and how you dealt with it too.



on 9/26/15 2:08 pm

No worries- what you are experincing is typical. I remember distinctly being convinced that my sleeve was not correct or something due to being able to want to eat more than I should, size, etc. Then I hit the dense protein phase, and yup- loads of restriction. Just hang in there. Acid can mimic hunger, so if you are not using a PPI ask your doc. The pain is the worst during the first 3-4 days due to gas pains, but magically right around day 7 there is a big improvement. And then it just gets better! Finally, it is very normal to have hormonal dumping so if your mood is out of whack, it is typical of the experience early out also. That too will get better with time. In the mean time, sip sip sip and walk!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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on 9/26/15 2:45 pm

thank you so much Happy Teacher!!!

just hearing that what I'm experiencing is normal sends such a great sense of relief.

Im always sure that I'm the one who will have the freak experience and losing my mind to boot...

l haven't heard of hormonal dumping....but makes so much sense.....thank you!



on 9/26/15 3:34 pm

Hi BensMom, I got my sleeve on Tuesday. I regretted it the moment I woke up. The pain was awful. Anything cold that hit my stomach was instant pain and nausea. Thankfully that has passed. I do notice that when I drink anything it feels weird when it hits my stomach. Not quite sure if its pain. Hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted on your progress.




Tracy S.
on 10/5/15 3:52 am

Hi Bensmom! I've started back to work full time and haven't been on the boards in a bit. Welcome to the losers bench! I hope you are starting to feel better! Sounds like you were having acid. It feels exactly like hunger. I found that drinking WARM or room temperature stuff agrees with me more (still to this day..6 weeks out). I drink everything room temperature now. Are you drinking from a bottle or a cup? I can't get more than a tiny sip out of a bottle without pain but can drink just fine from a cup. Hope you are doing well and hang in there. It's got it's ups and downs but soon you'll be feeling the weight come off and your body will thank you!

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