Protein Suggestions
Check Pinterest for tofu recipes too. We make shish kebobs with it (get extra firm and google how to press it between plates to get the liquid it's packaged in out). I've also gotten in the habit of making pasta salads with it for my family. I add cheese tofu veggies etc. and put a little aside for me before I add the pasta. I dice the tofu and the cheese or use feta and usually don't tell my family so they have no clue they're eating tofu hehe
Another veggie option is tempeh. It's has to be marinated. Would recommend trying it at a vegetarian restaurant before trying to cook it.
Another thought is is if you have a whole foods near you, they have a very generous sampling policy. Just ask to try tofu. I use their food bar all the time so I only buy very small portions and avoid waste. Good luck! :-)
Thanks for the advice! I've never heard of whole foods allowing customers to try or sample foods. But I'll have to see if the one near me allows that. That would be awesome. I'm a little nervous I won't like it but like you & a few other people have told me marinating it in something can give it a flavor & it won't be nasty like it would be if I ate it alone. I also didn't know that they can come in a firmer textures. I'll look into it!
Thanks Again for all your advice & help
Our Whole Foods has 'tasting Tuesdays' where its kind of like Sam's club or BJ's with food on the end of every isle. You can ask to try anything behind the deli counter (ours usually has a couple tofu options), or pretty much any cheese from the cheese section (they will cut a piece down if you don't want to spent a lot either). Have fun!
on 9/8/15 2:40 pm
Sources of high-quality protein are: fish, tofu, eggs, beans (not green beans), and occasionally, chicken. Except for beans (and lentils), vegetables have some protein but not enough to consume in the quantities needed by the sleever. Vegetables are valuable as great sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and as yet many unidentified but still essential micronutrients. I try to balance my meals by volume at 2/3 protein and 1/3 vegetables.
"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
you can buy small servings of tofu sticks at health food stores. they are spiced, smoked or bar b q. just make sure to read the label as some have sugar and such.
should also be able to get a smaller packet to stir fry with every asian flavor you can throw in. be sure to get firm or super firm tofu .
also get edamame - soy beans. i get the frozen already shelled kind that just need a little steaming. diane