The younger I am the faster I will lose??

on 9/4/15 6:17 pm

Seriously one the best best replies I have read on this site! So much great advice that can be essential to a weight loss & you opened my eyes! I was the kind of gym go-er that worked out for 2-3 hours & then a week later; stepped on the scale & I gained weight! I couldn't understand! It was so discouraging & frustrating. However, you explained it in a way that really makes me think! Why kill myself at the gym when I'm doing more bad than good!! Thank you!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/3/15 9:28 am
RNY on 05/04/15

There are many additional factors that are more important to weight loss than age, unfortunately. How much you have to lose, your body composition, and resting metabolic rate are much bigger predictors, as is how "fresh" you are to your current weight loss attempt. I'm significantly younger than my husband but am losing much more slowly than he is, even though I had a "more aggressive" surgery and have a much faster metabolism (as measured by a resting energy expenditure study). But he's a man and went into surgery with a BMI of 50. I'm a woman and went into surgery with a BMI of 37 after losing a significant amount pre-op.

White Dove
on 9/3/15 10:26 am - Warren, OH

When you think about it, surgery is an injury to the body.  It takes away the ability to get in calories.  The younger you are, the faster your body should heal from an injury.  Surgery is an injury and an older person will normally heal less quickly and thus lose weight more quickly.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 9/3/15 11:35 am

It's my observation as it pertains to VSG and what I've see here and in real life.

Eating plans, commitment and compliance tend to be more of a factor than age as it relates to amount and speed of WL.

Lower cal plans tend to have more WL at a faster rate.


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

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                                           CAFE FRISCO at

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/4/15 9:39 pm - OH

Please try to shift your focus from that goal of what you will wear next summer and seriously focus on developing new eating and exercise habits that you can sustain long term.  If you do not,  you may join the ranks of those who find themselves only 2 years out and regaining their weight.  Those who just focus on watching the scale go down, what size clothing they can wear, etc. and do not put forth the effort to really embrace a new lifestyle are the ones who do not succeed long term.

People who "exercise like crazy" right after surgery sometimes find that they were overly ambitious and that it isn't realistic to maintain that level of exercise long term... and then, instead of just cutting back to a more realistic level, they quit exercising entirely because they burn out.  As already mentioned by someone else, exercise has a rather minimal effect on weekly weight loss.  It has other benefits, of course, but if you are expecting to see a significant increase in weight loss because of that "exercising like crazy" you are likely to be disappointed.  This, too, often leads to people giving up on exercise entirely. Better to establish a routine that you can maintain long term...


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/17/15 4:07 am - Lutherville, MD

i am also young 24 and getting the surgery next year i plan to be fit but i don't enjoy going to the gym but i love going on hiking trails with my dog so that is going to be my main exercise i know i will need to tone and strengthen up my muscules in the time between losing and maintence. im just looking forward to being a healthy bmi the rest is gravy on top of that

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