Something's Not Right...

on 8/13/15 4:54 am, edited 8/13/15 4:55 am - Carl Junction, MO
VSG on 07/06/15

Typical Day:

B: Protein shake made with whey protein and water as dairy is not sitting well with me these days, decaf coffee.  

S:  slice of fat free turkey, water with lemon

L: 2oz of tuna salad made with greek yogurt and seasonings, or chicken salad, water (unflavored protein powder added to salads)

S:  decaf tea or water with lemon

D:  2-3 oz of Fish or chicken, 1-2 oz cooked green veggies, water with lemon 

I go to Water Aerobics and Water Zumba 45 min a piece on Mon Wed, and Fri.  I have a knee issue that limits my walking so I do chair exercises and was planning on adding stationary bike as tolerated on opposite days of water days.... 



on 8/13/15 12:07 pm - Woburn, MA

sounds like a good food plan, maybe a little high in sodium?  Hopefully the scale will reflect your hard work soon!!

VSG on 04/28/2014

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/13/15 2:41 pm

if you are doing the right things then a few thing may cause weight gain: 

  1. 1. PMS
  2. 2. if your initial weight loss was due to mostly water - (low salt diet - shakes) plus simple dehydration - the once you start eating real food - you also going to put more salts and minerals into your body causing water retention (good thing - you do not to pass out because you BP drops too low)
  3. 3. if your initial diet was mostly proteins and very little carbs - then introduction even small amount of carbs may will make the body store that in your muscles together with water that is needed to store the carbs. (that si also why when we go on a drastic low carb diet - we lose a lot of weight very fast - we primarily lose the water)
  4. 4. POOP.. yes - . that.. even if we have BM every day - some of it may still stay in (not a complete BM) ..specially when you switching from mostly liquid to .. normal food.. the volume can weigh.. (if you ever had food poisoning and you got runs - you know you could lose 3-5-7 lbs just because of that,,, only to gain it back when you start eating and are able to hold the food in.)
  5. just because your body decides to hold in liquids.. 

I am 7 years post op. I had a perfect - very low calorie day yesterday - perfect normal BM today..and the scale, (loving called "the *****" ) showed me I gained 2 lbs in just 24 hrs.. is that possible? no way... it is normal, hormonal body weight fluctuation... 

follow the plan.. relax... and as long as you follow the plan - the scale will show lower number.. then it may go up.. "the *****" 



Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/13/15 3:22 pm - Carl Junction, MO
VSG on 07/06/15

Thank you, this was very helpful! I did not even think about my cycle, which I am about to start!  You have put my mind at ease!  I will keep following the plan and ignore "the *****" for a while LOL.  Thank you so much!!!!



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