Update! And 9 Weeks out and stalling ?? (slightly tmi)

LeAnn B.
on 8/11/15 4:40 am - OH

Hey all!!


I am officially 9 weeks out today! So far I have been feeling great. I have lost 41 pounds and 43 inches total! Isnt that so exciting?? Here is my worry, so please tell me if I am being too over anxious:

I weighed last tuesday at 241, then snuck in another weigh on Saturday. I was 238.8! I did my official weigh today and I am back up to 241 . Admittedly I did this weekend feel like I was "pigging out". I was eating too much and I got physically uncomfortable a few times. I didnt measure my food, so I am not sure how much I was actually taking in. I just feel like I want to snack and snack and snack. (I am getting ready to start my period) Last week I was exercising and peppy (over the weekend I also over extended my knee so I have to take it easy until the inflammation goes down) and so far this week I feel sluggish, and I just want to eat snacks and watch Netflix. I also havent had a BM in 4 days. Do you think that this all has contributed to the "gain". Do people stall at 9 weeks? Or is this the perfect storm of constipation, menstration, not exercising for a few days and over consumption?

I am also worried that maybe I have stretched my tummy. Am I being too paranoid? I know that as I heal my stomach will hold more, I just feel like what I am taking in is so much more than what I have been used to for the past 9 weeks. My family thinks I am just panicking and they keep reassuring me that this is all normal. In past experiences I have lost 30 pounds and then gained it all back. So my fear is the same with this, that the loss will stop and I am going to gain it all back. It all still sort of feels "too good to be true" if that makes any sense at all. I have spent so much $ and energy into this whole process I am just terrified of failing. Any words of wisdom would be so helpful and appreciated!

on 8/11/15 5:35 am - WI

Yes, you are being "too paranoid".  Your weight is ALWAYS going to fluctuate.  It's completely normal.  We lose weight in a stair-step pattern ( lose weight, then stay the same for a few days, lose a little more).  It is also common to gain a little right before a big drop in weight.   A stall is going a month or more with NO weight loss.  You know, logically, that you have not consumed enough calories to actually gain weight.  We need to eat an extra 3000 calories to gain one pound.  

I am a little concerned that at 9 weeks out you made the decision to "pig out" over the weekend and not measure your food.  This is your honeymoon period when you are the most motivated and will lose the most weight.  9 weeks out from surgery is pretty early to be allowing yourself free reign.  You need to take this honeymoon period seriously.  The further out you get, the harder it is to lose the weight.  Stop sabotaging yourself! You have to completely change the way you relate to food.  Just because everyone else is eating, does not mean you should.  Surgery is a drastic step to take in order to lose weight.  You need to really assess what made you go off plan so easily.  Getting the "head stuff" straight is the hardest part of this journey.

Stick to your program, measure your food, stop allowing food to control you ( like using it to celebrate, cure boredom, stress, etc.) and you will lose the weight.  Stay off the scale if it stresses you out.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

LeAnn B.
on 8/11/15 6:00 am - OH

The head stuff is difficult. I guess too by "pigging out" was more like, eating more frequently than usual. My idea of pigging out is so different than it used to be! Which is good! I just knew I had consumed more than I do usually, and not having the exact measurements of what I ate sort of made me feel like a pig. Either way I have to make sure to stay on track. This is the first time I've really eaten "bad", so again I guess that's a good thing. I need to try and get more fluids in also, as well as stay on a gas pill so that I don't associate gas rumbles with hunger rumbles. 

(deactivated member)
on 8/11/15 9:35 am

I agree with the discouraging comments thing too.  I was a member on here a while back when I was first contemplating surgery and was so hurt and upset over some things that were said that I deleted my account and thought I'd never come back to this site lol.  I think the difficult thing is that like Facebook and social media sites we tend to read things in a certain tone and it can be hurtful and left to interpretation when in text.  I know now that whether it may seem critical, harsh, blunt or rude that when other members here are giving me advice (even advice I don't want to hear) that it's based on their experience and success with the VSG.  I think I only wanted to hear that there's a chance I could eat anything I wanted as long as it was in moderation and not change my physical activity and still lose weight.  Unfortunately I haven't heard a single person on here give an update on their weight loss success and saying how easy it was and how they lived off junk food.  I wish someone would though because I would love that plan lol.  It's I think very hard for most people to get the concept that they've gone through so much hard work already prior to surgery and then dealing with recovery and liquid diets etc. only to learn that the hard work isn't over.  I am learning that slowly but surely.  You'll go through phases where you might binge or eat off plan but hey you made the right choice for asking for advice and recognizing that you can't do it forever. 

LeAnn B.
on 8/11/15 11:55 am - OH

I agree 100%. It's hard to judge tone just by text alone. So I try and am trying not to take it personal. This is hard work! Just like I thought it would be, but getting past the mental aspect is a bit tougher than I thought! So I just need to get past that. It took me 4 years to make this decision and I'm glad I made it. I'm glad you made it too! We can do this! 

on 8/11/15 8:15 am

I need to copy this post and read it when I get into this same situation!  Thanks for kicking us back into reality!! 

on 8/11/15 5:49 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Listen to Rocky. She's wicked smart.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

LeAnn B.
on 8/11/15 6:29 am - OH

Sounds like it! 

(deactivated member)
on 8/11/15 7:00 am

You've come so far and done great with your weight loss.  Awesome numbers!  I am just a few days shy of 8 weeks so very close to you.  I have found that having snacks around that are "good choices" always helps.  It's important to listen to your body and get to know your hunger cues early on.  For some who are still healing at this stage the cues may not even be there.  I know that I can sense when my body is really needing food.  I might get shaky or have headaches and I can reach for just about anything within arms reach and be perfectly happy.  It's when I sit and contemplate how bad I want a pizza or chips (which I haven't given into) that I know it's just my dang head lol.  I always grill extra chicken breast when I make dinner just to have it chopped up in the fridge to munch on, cheese sticks, cucumber and hummus, lunch meat, protein shakes etc. all handy at both home and work.  Sometimes I'll even keep jerky in my car.  It's okay to give into what our body is asking for but making sure that you're not eating more than what you should at one sitting just because it tastes too good.  Measure and portion out in advance.  Also make sure it's no****er that you need because the cues can be similar.  I am down 28 lbs so far but I went a whole 4 weeks going up and down the same 3 pounds.  It wasn't because I was over eating or making bad choices but it was just a plain old stall.  They happen unfortunately.  You won't fail and you won't gain all your weight back.  You have come very far but you have to always work at it.  

LeAnn B.
on 8/11/15 8:34 am - OH

Thanks for the encouragement! I've been beating myself up pretty badly over it and feeling depressed and like I've failed. But unraveling 26 years of bad habits are tough, plus i live with family who don't eat healthy in any way. And I really can't tell just yet when I'm full, those nerves aren't back just yet. Maybe soon though! I also need to remember to slow down and eat... It's not going to run away. Lol this is all such a learning curve! I know others mean well, but certain comments I've gotten don't make me feel much better. Especially when I feel so low already. Congrats on the 28 pounds! You're doing great! 

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