5 years out from VSG update and encouragement!

on 8/10/15 12:37 pm

Hi All, when I was considering surgery I kept looking for postings from people who'd graduated from surgery, so now that I am that person, thought I'd post to encourage you if you're considering it. 

I had VSG in 2010 and over the period of a year or so, lost about 80lbs. For the most part I've kept it off (recently had a foot injury that made it hard to walk and exercise and regained about 10lbs, but now I'm back on track). I'm really happy that I had surgery. In the time since, I've gotten married and we are now hoping to get pregnant soon (I'll take any good wishes and prayers you have, thanks!). Even at my lowest weight, I've never been a "thin person" but I just look average size, which is good enough for me. For a woman that could not bear to have her photo taken before surgery, blending in is just great. 

Nowadays, you couldn't tell I had surgery. I eat small portions, but similar to what a naturally thin person might eat. For a while, I got off track and started eating lots of white carbs and gained some weight, but I've recently started up exercising and eating a clean, low carb, whole foods diet and I already see a difference in the right direction. You do what works for you, and that can be different for each person. For me, tracking food made me obsessive, so now, I don't count anything, I just am mindful about what I eat, and make sure at least 85% is stuff that I should eat. I believe in having treats, but they have to be worth it and infrequent. That means a really good piece of cake made from scratch is worth it, a Twinkie is definitely not. Even treats must be real food, not franken crap. It can be more expensive to eat this way, but I've made it work by cooking 90% of my meals and not going to restaurants very often. 

I only told two very close, non judgmental friends. I don't feel any responsibility to be totally open and honest with my personal medical info. The two friends I did tell were kind and supportive all the way through. Now, I don't even think about it. All my friends are used to me taking half my meal home at a restaurant, or splitting something with me. 

I was scared to death before surgery, and cried a lot worrying that I made the wrong decision. Recovery afterwards for the first month was awful. But it's all been so worth it. I know how scared I was throughout the process, so if that is where you are, take heart. It will get better. Also, for those of you struggling with your insurance company, I got rejected on the first round and I was devastated. You have to keep pressuring them and collecting more evidence for why you need it. Don't give up. 

Surgery is a personal decision and isn't right for everyone. The first step I'd take is to cut out all processed foods and white carbs as much as possible. That will be good for you whether you go through with surgery or not. 

I'm not a model patient. I drink carbonated stuff occasionally, and I'm not always perfect with my diet. I have some loose skin that I hate. You don't have to be perfect to be successful. You just need to keep gently guiding yourself back on track and not get stuck feeling like a failure. 

Also, WLS won't solve all your problems. I went to a therapist for two years following surgery. I really struggled with myself now that I wasn't the "fat girl" anymore. I still have problems with depression. You might even have new problems! I never had problems with men because I lacked the confidence before to get involved with one. When I did, all kinds of new stuff came up that needed to be dealt with and I continue to do so.

I still have days when I feel fat. But overall, WLS was a real blessing and I feel so lucky that I was able to have it done. For those of you out there struggling, you have my compassion and things will get better!  

on 8/10/15 2:08 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience!  Being someone who is 2 months out from surgery, I am constantly going back and forth with questions and worries.  I KNOW this is the right decision for me but hearing some of my fears being reiterated in your response along with the fact that you still feel blessed to have had the surgery helps so much!

"I only told two very close, non judgmental friends. I don't feel any responsibility to be totally open and honest with my personal medical info. The two friends I did tell were kind and supportive all the way through." THANK YOU! This is a question I've been battling.  I don't want to tell everyone/anyone at work.  When I take the 2 weeks off, I'm just going to say I'm having surgery.  If anyone asks why I plan to say "abdominal surgery."  If anyone dare to ask further than that...well....I don't know yet what I'll say.  I have a couple things in mind (gall bladder - since hopefully this will come out during, exploratory due to prior cyst removal surgery).  I'm not fond of lying but at the same time....NO OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!  How about that response?!  Hahaha!!

Thanks again for reiterating that this IS NOT a magic button and we still have to eat, exercise like a normal person does only we have this great new tool that helps on the portion control.

Hope to see you around more!


on 8/10/15 5:11 pm
VSG on 01/26/15

I also only told 2 people. I am 6 months out. I posted another thread about my the vacation I just returned from and how family and friends I visited said nothing at all about my eating smaller portions. It really is no one's business. You choose who you want to tell, and don't worry about the rest. My Internist wholeheartedly agrees with telling only who you wish to. Best wishes to you on your WL Journey Suzy! :-) Kay

5'7" HW 256 (1/6/2014) SW 236.2 (VSG: 1/26/2015) CW 165.5 (01/10/2016) Total Weight Lost 90.5
Pre-Op: -19.8; Month 1: -19; Month 2: -12.7; Month 3: -9.9; Month 4: -7.2; Month 5: -6.4; Month 6: -2.8; Month 7: -3.7; Month 8: -4.2; Month 9: -0.6; Month 10: -2.1; Month 11: -0 Month 12: -2.1

GOALS: BMI Normal = 159 (6.5 to go); 100 LBs Lost = 156 (9.5 to go); FINAL GOAL: 139?? (26.5 to go)

on 8/10/15 6:00 pm

If anyone pursues the question further (and some could, it's unbelievable the lack of boundaries some people exhibit), you can turn it around - "Why do you ask?" or you can say, "Thank you for your concern; I prefer to leave it at that."  or words to that effect. I'm not opposed to lying to these cretins, but if you prefer not to, no lying involved!

Height 5' 7"   High Wt 268 / Consult Wt 246 / Surgery Wt 241 / Goal Wt 150 / Happy place 135-137 / Current Wt 143
Tracker starts at consult weight       
In maintenance since December 2011.

on 8/13/15 6:50 am

You could say hernia... similar recovery. This way if you later actually have to have the gall bladder out it won't confuse folks who thought you already had it out. I did not tell anyone at work also, so I totally get it. In my case though everyone attritubted the weight loss to my cancer status and the surgury occurred over the Christmas break so folks didn't know I had surgery except for the boss in case I couldn't get back at the 2 week mark. Be prepared to field a lot of questions on how you are losing the weight... standard reply is diet, exercise, high protein, avoid refined food and white carbs did the trick for me and was exactly what I was doing.

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 8/10/15 2:51 pm - Melrose Park, IL
VSG on 12/09/14
on 8/10/15 2:52 pm - Melrose Park, IL
VSG on 12/09/14

Thank you so much for your post.  It gives me hope for the future since my biggest fear was getting to goal and still not being able to maintain after this surgery. I've regained plenty of times prior to the procedure. You've done it and continue to, so congratulations!!  Good luck on the baby front, I'm hoping you'll be blessed with a little one soon.

Surgery Date: 12/9/14 - Highest Weight: 349 - Surgery Weight: 305 - Current Weight: 137
Goal reached in 13 months - 212 total pounds lost including pre-op
(M1: -20) (M2: -18) (M3: -11) (M4: -11) (M5: -14) (M6: -1) (M7: -18) (M8: -7) (M9: -15)

(M10: -13) (M11: -7) (M12: -10) (M13: -10) (M14 -6) (M15: -7) - 168 lbs lost post-op


on 8/10/15 5:32 pm
VSG on 01/26/15

Zebra...Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your continued success 5 years post-op. At 6 months out, I have lost 80 pounds, 69% of my excess weight. At age 62 i now feel 42; Before my surgery, I felt 82. Not only do I feel fantastic health-wise, but I feel "normal" now. Like you, I have found that people really aren't interested in what I eat and the small quantities I eat. :-) Kay

5'7" HW 256 (1/6/2014) SW 236.2 (VSG: 1/26/2015) CW 165.5 (01/10/2016) Total Weight Lost 90.5
Pre-Op: -19.8; Month 1: -19; Month 2: -12.7; Month 3: -9.9; Month 4: -7.2; Month 5: -6.4; Month 6: -2.8; Month 7: -3.7; Month 8: -4.2; Month 9: -0.6; Month 10: -2.1; Month 11: -0 Month 12: -2.1

GOALS: BMI Normal = 159 (6.5 to go); 100 LBs Lost = 156 (9.5 to go); FINAL GOAL: 139?? (26.5 to go)

on 8/10/15 8:59 pm
VSG on 02/08/16

Congrats on your success, and your marriage!! May God bless you both with sweet healthy babies!! :)  Thank you for being so kind and considerate enough to "pay it forward" and for supporting all of us by sharing the facts of the journey. :)|

I personally have been considering surgery for over 15 years.  I was NEVER comfortable mentally with the bypass and I did one year in a program with one hospital and I have been four years off an on in a program with the one I am in now.  Now with better education and more options we are going for the sleeve and I am only 33 pounds away from them clearing me for surgery!!!! :) 

Thanks again for sharing...it helps hearing success stories! :)  Best wishes for your continued success and happiness!! :)


HW: 528 CW: 386 Short term Goal weight: 350


        Tracey :)


on 8/10/15 10:59 pm - Grand Rapids , MI
VSG on 08/12/15

I really am happy you shared with us I'm still pre op Surgery is on Wednesday the 12th of August I know that I'm in for an interesting four to 6 weeks I'm excited to get started on my new life and am inspired by your post.  I told my huge family my daughter and son and my Boyfriend I've been with for 15 years some support and some dont but I'm doing this for my health and none of them know how I feel day to day being 120 lbs over weight and I've been super mobidly obease for so long I don't know what a normal weight feels like.  I just know it's gonna feel amazing loose skin and all.  I've been here on and off for 7 years and am happy I'm finally gonna get my surgery.  I'm hopeful to lose the majority pretty fast.  I also look forward to being an inspiration to and support to others who need support.  I'll see you on the losers bench in a couple of days!  Good luck with the perspected new arrival to your family.

Elia Maria Saenz

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