I've been lurking but thought I'd post

(deactivated member)
on 7/23/15 6:59 am

I am 5 weeks post op and have been browsing this site frequently. I am now in need of help and hoping to get some advice.  Hoping I won't be judged but I also want some honest feedback in case there's something I'm doing wrong. 

Well since surgery I lost 15lbs all within the first week.  I haven not lost a single pound in over 4 weeks now since then.  I was very strict on my full liquids for first two weeks doing only premier protein shakes, sugar free jello, greek yogur****er and things on surgeons list.  I was approved to do soft foods at my 3 week check up and have been eating the following:

Breakfast around 9am: either an egg bake in a muffin tin with shredded cheddar and thin ham or Greek yogurt or a sargento balanced break (cheese, almonds and dried cranberries) 

snack around 11am on a protein shake, able to do a whole shake in about an hour

Lunch around 1/2pm: about 2ozs of grilled or rotisserie chicken shredded finely or half a wendys chili or 1/2 of a black bean burger patty

Dinner around 6pm: Usually 2ozs of chicken, 3ozs taco meat with salsa and guac, 3 oz burger patty on the grill

snack around 9pm: usually another protein shake, I've had a few bites of ice cream on 3 occasions but it made me sick last time so I've learned my lesson.

I've abstained from any form of bread, I sometimes take 2-3 bites of mashed potatoes or baked potato because my husband will still have them as a side with his dinner but it is honestly just 2-3 bites.  I am allergic to seafood so I am really living off 80% chicken for lunch or dinner with the occasional beef.  I don't use sauces, creams, butters or anything really fattening.  There were 2 nights in the last few weeks where I've had half the taco meat and cheese off of a taco from taco bell.  No other fast food other than that and that was only because we were in the car and in a bind. 

Overall for water I am sipping constantly except before and after meals.  I am getting in around 55ozs which is more than I would've drank before surgery.  Surgeon said this was good to start but goal is 64ozs by 2 months.  I also calculate around 80 grams of protein per day which surgeon also said was on track for this point.  

I've tracked my food as best I can being that I can sometimes only take a few bites of things at a time but overall I'm around 600-800 calories per day.  Am I starving myself and that's why I'm not losing weight?  Am I eating horrible and blowing this?  I've never been successful at losing weight so I'm starting to feel like this was all for nothing.

 I don't have a clear list of yes/no foods from surgeon so I don't know if I'm really on plan. 

on 7/23/15 10:29 am - Canada
VSG on 04/27/15

Your body is still in a defensive mode and protecting itself. Results vary but it takes a while for everything to calm down and the weight will certainly come off then. As long as you are eating as you say, it will happen.

My body is just now getting back to normal. Next week is 3 months post OP BTW.

Example. I hardly moved in weight for a month post op. some do but I didn't. No I average about 2 lbs. a week off.

Male 55, Initial weight 388#, and 6'1" / surgery weight 360#/Current Weight is 296#

(deactivated member)
on 7/23/15 10:43 am


Welcome and I think it's great that you came to ask questions here!

So, first things first - there is no such thing as not losing weight because you are not eating enough calories. That is total BS and is a myth that has been scientifically debunked. This was really promoted by personal trainers with little nutritional experience and somehow has taken a strong hold in our diet culture. So get that idea right out of your head.

How much weight did you lose pre op? That can make a difference on how much you lose right after surgery.

Now for some "tough love":

1. You MUST weigh and measure everything that goes in your mouth, if you really want to know what you are eating.

2. You need to be making your protein goals daily. My goal was 80 grams per day at 5 weeks out. You must also be monitoring your carbohydrate intake (IMO). Keeping your carbs low will promote fat loss.

3. Get your water intake up to 80 oz per day as soon as possible.

4. My partner ate all sort of things in front of me at dinner that did not promote weight loss. I did not take bites from his plate. Mashed potatoes and certainly ice cream were not things I even dreamed of eating at 5 weeks out. You may have to go a little commando on yourself about these nibbling habits. It's very hard, but a good idea.

5. Try sugar free pudding and sugar free jello when you need that sweet and creamy fix. It worked for me.

6. There is something called The Three Week Stall. It could be that's what you're going through and your weight loss will pick right back up. But I'm willing to bet that with the nibbling and the higher carb content of your foods you may be eating too many calories for weight loss. There are on line calorie counters that you can use. My Fitness Pal is one that many people on OH recommend and use. I use Livestrong.com and have been very happy with it for years.

7. As a general rule you will do better eating foods that have not been processed. Think whole, lean, dense proteins and fresh vegetables (frozen are okay, too). You really need to focus on protein and vegetables and that's really it. If you truly weigh, measure and keep your carbs low, protein high and calories between 600 & 800 you will lose weight. It's work and can be a pain at first, but it is the best and most successful way of losing weight for most of us WLS patients.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you understand that I'm trying to help and not put you down. You clearly want to be successful. I hope that my suggestions will help you be.


on 7/23/15 11:06 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Outstanding advice.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 7/23/15 12:50 pm

3 week stalls are very very normal. What you are posting as your food intake looks pretty good overall. More fluids like you mentioned, but I see you are working on that. I just want to check that you are weighing food. It is awesome that you are logging by the way, super important. Weighing is also important as us overeaters can be way off on what we "think" we are eating. You seem like you are running a tight ship so just keep at it. Measure yourself- when the scale is not moving usually you are losing inches. :)

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

(deactivated member)
on 7/23/15 1:04 pm

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!  I think I'm becoming a little obsessed with Before and After pics and rushing this whole process.  Lots of great advice here.  I think I need to invest in a food scale first and foremost!  I also need to stay away from little bites of not so good things too.  I know mashed potatoes were something my NUT mentioned is being okay in my last visit but hey why eat them if I don't need them.  Looking forward to pairing meat up with fresh vegetables down the road.  I am not a big meat eater to begin with but somehow this surgery has helped me actually crave it and getting the protein down first has not been a problem.  Also the ice cream treats have already been nixed.  For one it made me rush to the bathroom when I over did it last time and for two I had to do a face palm when I realized I was already getting back to the old way of thinking.  I used to treat myself with food for certain things such as a good day of dieting or after a workout.  It was bad and helped lead to where I am now.  Plus food as a reward is NOT a good thing for me.  I'll stick to waiting until I drop a size or two and let shopping be my reward lol! 

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