A little health setback

on 7/23/15 5:11 pm
VSG on 11/03/14

I had a normal Monday until 4:30pm. All of the sudden I had massive abdominal pain (like doubled over). My fiancé called my surgeon and the pain started to subside. He said it was was probably my gallbladder and to come in first thing for a work up. No sooner then I hung up the pain came back with a vengeance. Called back and he said he would meet me in the ER. Drove an hour to his "home hospital". Got there the place was packed. He had arranged for my work up so thankfully they took me back fairly quickly. 

My ultrasound looked normal but my lipase level was 10000 (normal is 114-286). I had pancreatitis and I was extremely dehydrated. So I was given morphine, zofran, nothing by mouth and IV fluids. I was admitted and spent two days in the hospital. They started me on clear liquids day 1 and normal diet day 2. My levels returned to normal. My surgeon said I passed a gallstone and my gallbladder needs to come out. Schedule for next Wednesday. He also put me on a no fat diet. And told me to increase carbs. 

A little setback but I am mostly back to normal. A bit sleepy. 


on 7/23/15 5:29 pm

Yikes, that sounds awful! Cool, tho, that your doctor met you at hospital, but dang...an hour's drive!

I have heard how painful pancreatisis is as well as gall stones. I have had kidney stones & would not wish them on my worst enemy (well...)!

Hope you get back to feeling better soon!


on 7/24/15 4:52 am
VSG on 11/03/14

I drove past two hospitals to get to that one. I don't trust anyone but him. He knows me and I have confidence in him. He bedside manner is very quick but he doesn't BS you but I feel he is very competent. This gallbladder he could do in his sleep.

on 7/23/15 8:50 pm - Grand Rapids , MI
VSG on 08/12/15

I'm surprised that they didn't remove your gallbladder when you had your surgery 

I've had pancreatis before I had a gall stone the size of a golf ball no joke i was sick for ever before they finally found what was causing the problem.  I was in and out of the hospital for 2months no fun and it hurts something aweful.  Glad to here your doctor attended you so quick.  Good luck with your gallbladder removal it's key hole lile vgs you should heal pretty quick .


Elia Maria Saenz

on 7/24/15 4:50 am
VSG on 11/03/14

I know some surgeons remove gallbladder with VSG, mine decided to wait as mine was completely healthy at the time. He told me though I had an 80% chance of having it removed within 1 year of surgery. I made it 9 months. It should be a fairly minimal cost with my insurance and I am happy it is outpatient. In and out in a few hours and home in my own bed to recover.

on 7/24/15 9:37 am

And all this happened so close to your goal weight! Dehydration is "da debbil" for sleevers, no matter where you are, weight-wise. It causes all manner of miserable complications. I'm glad your doctor has everything under control. Here's hoping for a quick recovery from your gallbladder surgery. Keep us updated when you feel better.



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 7/24/15 11:40 am
VSG on 11/03/14

The dehydration was the result of a trip to Hershey Park on a 95 degree day. I did not drink enough water and we walked almost 9 miles. I don't think it caused the gallstone, just contributed to feeling like crap. Lesson learned, drink more water when it is hot (duh).

on 7/25/15 8:10 am

Until February of this year I lived 10 miles from "The Sweetest Place on Earth" for 28 years. Hershey Park is not as big as many amusement parks, but it does get hot as blazes there in July and August. It's a pretty section of Pennsylvania, though. I was sorry to move away. Now I live on a boat on the Chesapeake in Maryland, where it gets even hotter than Pennsylvania. "Water, water everywhere, so fill your glass and drink." (Apologies to Coleridge)

Again, good luck with your upcoming surgery.




Zee Starrlite
on 7/25/15 9:54 am

Wow, I am sorry for your pain.  Hope you get settled down and back to healing ASAP.




3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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