I did it! Down over 100 lbs!

J Connel
on 7/17/15 4:43 am
VSG on 04/13/15

This week I've been in Chicago for work.  I arrived on Sunday and just got home late last night.  It felt odd to be away from my scale - it's just that other tool I use to be sure things are going in the right direction.  I was anxious to get on this morning for my official weigh-in for the week.  As I stepped on I kept thinking about how diligent I was tracking my food all week even while traveling.  I made sure to still get in plenty of walking (exercise) along with meeting my protein goals each day.  It was tough, sure, but I went into the week prepared and armed with - protein drinks, peanuts, protein bars, etc.  Although I felt confident that I did all the right things, I still worried as I stepped on this morning.  Guess what?  My planning and diligence paid off - Down 3.8 lbs this week!  This pushed me over the down 100 goal that I had.  I'm officially down (pre-op and post-op) -102.4.  YAHOO!

It was my first business trip since my surgery.  It was great because nobody had met me before though - so they only were introduced to the "new" me.  Nobody on the team was aware I had the procedure, but I worried about how I would feel with all the food around, the chocolate they always have on the table, etc.  I worried a bit about not being able to each much - would that draw attention for some reason, etc.  I found myself pleasantly surprised the entire week.  I never felt tempted.  Not once.  It could be due to the lack of hunger that has been gleefully absent since surgery or maybe my head is "in the game" and in a place I've never been before.  Regardless, I felt empowered and strong.  While everyone else was snacking away on bagels and donuts in the morning, I had a protein drink and a handful of grapes.  At lunch they brought in pizzas, pasta salads, cookies, etc. and I had a protein bar.  They all ate mini candy bars, Skittles, etc. at the table throughout the session while I had nothing and certainly didn't miss it.  Dinner was always a really top notch place where I could always find a nice piece of fish or scallops for dinner.  Although I still can't eat a large quantity (still around 2.5 oz max each meal), nobody questioned it.  In fact, throughout the week people kept saying, "I wish I was as healthy as you are."  SCORE!  

So hair loss - let's talk about it for a third time.  As I shared last week, I chopped mine off way shorter.  I still adore it.  ADORE!  I've gotten a ton of compliments on the new style and it was so great to feel "trendy"  I don't think I've ever had trendy hair before.  I've always had pretty hair, but never trendy.  I'm in love with it.  The great benefit to having it much shorter?  I don't notice the hair loss.  Is it there?  Sure.  Do I still see some?  Yes, but it's nothing like what I was seeing before fall out in the shower.  It gives me peace of mind to see less and less in my hand.  Although I know it's because I've cut it, not because the loss has stopped, it mentally gives me peace of mind.  That has been a nice shift.

My stats to date:

  • Start Weight: 283.2
  • 10/1-4/13:  Supervised Weight Loss Phase + Pre-Op:  -60 lbs
  • 4/13-5/13:  Month 1 Post-Op:  -20 lbs
  • 5/13-6/13:  Month 2 Post-Op:  -10.2 lbs
  • 6/14-7/13:  Month 3 Post-Op:  -13.6 lbs 
  • Total Post-Op Weight Loss So Far:  -43.8 (and counting)
  • Total weight loss:  -102.4 lbs
  • Current Weight:  180.6 lbs

A few NSVs:

  • Feeling trendy with my new hair cut.
  • Feeling fabulous and healthy on my business trip all week.
  • Being called "healthy" while on my business trip by co-workers.
  • When we walked through Chicago, I was always at the front of the line walking quickly.  Pre-surgery, I hated those people.  I hated always having to keep up with their pace and feeling insignificant if I couldn't.  I didn't walk at the front of the line on purpose, it's just my "new" pace.  I was probably hated for that pace this week and yet, I embrace it.  :)

Here’s to seeing less of me next week!


JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

on 7/17/15 6:17 am
VSG on 04/30/14

Congratulations on your success with the weight loss and with tackling your first business trip post-surgery! Amazing! Sounds like you set some really great actions/habits in place. And the relaxation that comes with no one knowing you or your previous "life" so no questions on eating habits.

And the haircut, way to go! I chopped mine to a pixie at about two months out and absolutely love it. Definitely helped with not noticing hair loss. I think it's a great step, personally, to do this as you lose because it is so freeing and does help minimize noticing any haiur loss, plus, your wls journey should be "your thing", not hair. It should change as your body does! But that's my personal opinion. 

Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

J Connel
on 7/17/15 10:17 am
VSG on 04/13/15

Thank you so much MissNexxie!  There was a sense of relaxation just knowing someone wasn't paying attention to me (no more than to anyone else).  It was a successful trip for sure - and I appreciate all the posts and good tips the vets provide all the time.  Preparation certainly made a difference this trip.

I also agree about the hair comment.  Yes, the hair evolves just like our bodies.  Good point!  :)

JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

on 7/17/15 7:57 am

I love all of this!  Great job!  It is also inspirational.  I have a vacation coming up and I hope to handle food, etc, as well as you did on this trip.  I also want to be in the front of the walking line.....well, I would be content not to be at the back! 

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32  Mo 2:-13.5  Mo 3: -13.5  Mo 4 -9.5  Mo 5: -15  Mo 6: -15  Mo 7: -13.5  Mo 8: -17  Mo 9: -13  Mo 10: -12.5  11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached Mo 11: -9  Mo 12: -8    12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!

J Connel
on 7/17/15 10:18 am
VSG on 04/13/15

Good luck on your vacation.  Just remember to pre-plan what you are doing and have supplies with you at all times.  It made a huge difference!

It's the little things (about being first in line), right?!  :)

JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

on 7/17/15 10:06 am - MI

JC...you rock, you rock, you rock!!! 

Way to go, I'm so happy for you! You have done so well and taken the bull by horn!!

Do you find yourself still using more shampoo? Sometimes I forgot I chopped my hair and I have way too much shampoo in my hand!!

I know you will continue to awesome! You have a fantastic attitude and you're doing what you should!!



Age: 40 Height: 5'8" Highest Weight: 325 Starting Weight: 291 Current Weight: 166 Goal Weight: 160

 VSG 10/24/14 with Dr. David Chengelis

J Connel
on 7/17/15 10:20 am
VSG on 04/13/15

It is SO funny you ask about the shampoo.  My stylist told me I would use way less with this style.  HOWEVER, I keep just pouring the regular amount in my hand and then think DUH!  I'm hopeful I'll learn how to adjust my shampooing habits at some point.  :)

Thank you for the nice comments.  As you know, you have been an inspiration to me along my journey and I know reading about your challenges and success has really helped me.  Hey - had I need seen your cute haircut, I'd have never gone for it myself! 

JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

on 7/17/15 3:15 pm
VSG on 06/23/15

Congratulations!! What an accomplishment!  Thanks for sharing your story.  I travel quite a bit for work also.  I just had my surgery a little over 3 weeks ago and one NSV that I cannot wait for is being able to comfortably sit in ANY airplane seat.  I can't wait until I can travel without any fears or issues.  I'd love to be the one Leading the group on a walk!!  Now I have another goal to shoot for.  GOOD for you!!!


J Connel
on 7/18/15 4:42 am
VSG on 04/13/15

I didn't have to fly, but I also look forward to the airplane moment, you know?  You will be there before you know it!

JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

on 7/19/15 7:49 am
RNY on 08/13/14

Congratulations!!  I love this post for many reasons, one being that I  travel a lot and know the weird feeling of being away from the scale.  Interestingly, I've found I have the best losses when I get back home.  Being extra vigilant while on the road or in the sky keeps me in check.  Planning makes all the difference.  Congrats again!!  xoxo

Lanie; Age: 43; Surgery Date (VSG): 8/12/14 w/complications resulting in RNY next day;

Height: 5' 6" SW: 249 Comfort Zone: 135-140 CW: 138 (10/13/17)

M1: -25 lbs M2: -12 M3: -13 M4: -7 M5: -11 M6: -10 M7: -7 M8: -7 M9: -3 M10: -8 M11: -4 M12: -4

5K PR - 24:15 (4/23/16) First 10K - 53:30 (10/18/15)

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