on 7/3/15 7:41 am - NC
VSG on 03/11/15

The other day I was walking up the stairs into my house carrying a few bags of groceries.  They were HEAVY or so I was thinking.   Ughh.  Then I thought, "not near as heavy as the weight you have lost Pam."  My poor knees and back, no wonder they hurt.  You don't really see yourself quite as large as you really are (maybe close but the reality doesn't fit the picture in your head at times).  Then you look at your stats.  My granddaughter just hit 100.3 pounds.  My grandson is about 55 pounds.  Looking at them and realizing I have almost lost my "granddaughter" and overly lost my ""grandson" weight-wise.   Oh my poor body..  And I look in the mirror and only really see a smaller, not quite so round of a face, and those batwings have gotten flappier, and my feet are getting skinnier.  And yes a little off the mid section.  But in my mindseye, I really don't see 80lbs gone.  I know it will all catch up at some point.  We sometimes have to stop and put things into perspective for the reality to hit, not necessarily sink in yet.  I'm getting there.  DING....REALITY CHECK  

Here's hoping y'all have a fun 4th of July weekend, and keep it safe...  (We need y'all here for support!)  Pam



on 7/3/15 8:47 am

I hear ya Pam.

I was carrying 50# feed bags a week or so ago when it hit me.

I used to carry 3 of em around with me everywhere I went , 24/7.

The journey got real at that moment. Not just about numbers anymore .

Completely amazing what a tool can do if you work with it.

My procedure was oct of 14 and Im down 177 and feel 20 years younger, 20 years stronger and healthier than Ive been since I can remember.

I ran into my great neice at Walmart the other day and she walked right by me. didn't recognize me until I spoke to her.

This whole process has just freaked me out!

Just when I think the weight loss has slowed down, BOOM, I shed 12# in 3 days. unbelievable

I have 48# to go to reach my clinical goal, Im under 300# for the first time since highschool 36 years ago. Hard to wrap my head around  that.

Hope your results are meeting your expectations , Mine have certainly exceeded any that I had.

Easy? No way. Worth the work? ABSOLUTELY !

Happy fourth, be safe and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Reward yourself with a beer or something, I m gonna!



on 7/3/15 9:35 am

I remember that mid-way in my weight loss process, I would look in the mirror, and not know myself.  My face was wrinkly from the loss of weight, and the skin was sagging.  Similarly on my neck and arms.  I still had a huge belly and my thighs looked like wrinkly elephant skin - not me.  Plus, my hair which has always been fine was so thin.  I remember thinking, "I did this to look better, but I look terrible."  The good news is it passes.  The skin on my face and neck tightened up by itself.  My thighs are improving slowly.  I still have bat wings, and the tummy needed plastics - with 225 pounds lost, there was no way it could reabsorb. 

I mention this so as to encourage you not to get discouraged with your progress, and the way it appears now will be different from how it appears latter.   My NP told me that it takes about 18 months for our brains to catch up with our bodies on self-image.  This seems to be true or me.

Keep up the good work.



Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


on 7/3/15 7:52 pm - NC
VSG on 03/11/15

You have done so remarkably fantastic in your journey and such an inspiration.  You've lost almost one of me prior to WLS.  AWESOME for sure.  Your before and after pictures are amazing. 



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