Large and small NSVs
on 6/18/15 7:27 am
At 5 months post-op, I've experienced most of the NSVs reported here, but there are a few tiny ones that have marked my progress as well. I can now push my shopping cart into the checkout lane and can easily squeeze to the front of the cart to unload it. I can take a shower without going through a circus act to get clean.
But the big NSV for me is that I can play with my 7-year-old grandson without fatigue. I can sit on the floor with him AND get back up easily. 5 months ago, I couldn't have done that without someone hauling on me to get me back up. I'm at my son's house for the next week, and my grandson and I plan to go swimming, to the zoo, and, of course, a trip to the toy store. I can't describe the joy this gives me.
I still have a way to go, weightwise, but already my life has changed immensely for the better.
"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
I cannot wait to be able to walk around the store with a cart and go grocery shopping.
on 6/18/15 11:44 am
Thanks for the kudos. I've never particularly liked shopping and cooking, but now that I can stand and walk without exhaustion and debilitating lower back pain, I'm enjoying the heck out of these chores. I'm actually thankful. I knew from this site that such dramatic improvements were possible, but words just can't do justice to the actual experience. Let us all know when it happens for you.