How important is Pepcid anyway?

on 6/13/15 9:44 pm - SALEM, OR

I was just rereading my hospital paperwork and saw that the prescription I have for Pepcid is NOT as needed but to be taken twice a day for 90 days. I didn't know this. I am post op 10 days, I took it the day after release from the hospital and a PM dose after I figured this out.

What are the possible issues for not having taking it for the first 8.5 days after surgery?  I took it on my first day home because I felt that it would help me.  But haven't taken it sense. I haven't had any acid reflux, or any burps.  My stomach actually feels fine.

I have started taking it. I just hope I didn't create any damage by NOT taking it for 8 days brand new out of surgery....

Today wasn't the best day, this just added to the blah.

on 6/13/15 9:57 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

Others may correct me, but I assumed it was to help with healing. You have suture lines that are healing and less acid would help them to heal.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 6/13/15 10:00 pm - SALEM, OR

Well that totally makes sense. Makes me mad that I didn't KNOW I was supposed to be taking it every day.  I don't want to have caused any damage. I see my surgeon on Monday. I'll talk to her about it as well.

on 6/13/15 10:17 pm - Toronto, Canada

Of course I am not a medical professional, so take this as a grain of salt. But I would agree with the previous comment. They seem super concerned about ulcer development, which Pepcid will help prevent. It may also reduce the risk of a leak. 

These are the wild guesses of no one particularly important. But, I couldn't resist putting my hypothesis out there.

Referral: February 2015; TWH Orientation: April 2015; Social Worker: June 10, 2015: Nurse Practitioner: June 11, 2015; Nutrition Class: June 15, 2015; Psychometry Assessment: June 16, 2015; Nutrition Assessment: July 22, 2015; NP follow-up: July 28, 2015; Surgeon Consult: August 28, 2015; Surgery: November 6, 2015; Operation: VSG

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 6/13/15 10:25 pm
VSG on 10/09/12

When my surgeon discharged me he gave me a prescription for Nexium and told me to take it daily for six weeks post op to reduce the stomach acid production and help to heal and re-create the stomach lining. Your surgeon didn't tell you what your post op instructions were with respect to meds and a food progression plan?

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 6/13/15 10:50 pm - SALEM, OR

I kept being asked if I had my prescriptions,  to which I would say yes. I certainly don't remember them explaining them. I was given a prescription for an antacid, anti nausea and a pain pill. 

I guess I'll find out Monday my chances of any damage and what tests I might have to take.

on 6/14/15 2:11 am
VSG on 10/31/13

Hmm I think post op my only scrips were pain meds which I never took, and anti nausea meds which I took maybe once or twice. I never had an issue with acid reflux or anything at all. But I didn't have any of that pre surgery either.



Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 6/14/15 9:32 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Nothing to do with reflux. I never had any before or after either. It is not just a medication for reflux or GERD. It is helpful to heal post WLS when your stomach has been cut and stapled and the lining of the stomach needs to reconstruct in a less acidic environment. Acid production immediately post op is the same as before surgery but your stomach is much smaller so way more acid than you need. Add to that the healing element and this is the principal reason to take a PPI immediately post gastric surgery.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 6/14/15 6:09 am

Stomach acid will also mimic hunger so Pepcid or Prilosec(what I take) will prevent that feeling.  I have seen some posts on here from those years out from surgery that still take the medication. 

on 6/14/15 8:21 am

Maybe this is some reassurance: my surgeon doesn't automatically use any sort of acid blocker after surgery.  While you (of course) want to follow your surgeon's directions, I doubt that you created any damage. 

Enjoy the journey!


HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32  Mo 2:-13.5  Mo 3: -13.5  Mo 4 -9.5  Mo 5: -15  Mo 6: -15  Mo 7: -13.5  Mo 8: -17  Mo 9: -13  Mo 10: -12.5  11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached Mo 11: -9  Mo 12: -8    12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!

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