Getting off the crack!

on 6/16/15 8:10 am
VSG on 01/27/14

I feel you! I never reached "official" goal but I still want it. I was eating sweets sometimes,  but I think my issue was just not paying attention to what I was eating or how often. It's amazing how much better I feel when I drop my carbs back down under 40 grams. 

When we have surgery we ate not cured of our bad habits. BUT I can see a distinct difference in the way I approach food in general,  and my ability to take a step back and honestly analyze my choices. 


on 6/16/15 8:14 am
VSG on 01/27/14

And I don't know if it's possible for you,  but it is so much easier when I don't bring certain foods into my apartment. No sweets,  and sometimes I can't even buy peanut butter. My husband has a shelf of a cabinet designated for his own snacks. He keeps his crackers,  chips, cereal,  and bread up there. It also happens to be directly above MY shelf with my coffee fixins and protein powders :-)


on 6/16/15 8:46 am

I haven't been successful at keeping anything out of the house.  I have two kids and a husband and I don't feel like it is okay for me to deny them things because I don't have any will power.  So, I'm trying to develop some will power.  I actually lost 2 lbs yesterday when I didn't eat any sweets.  That was pretty amazing.  Yesterday my son came into our office at work and asked for a Girl Scout cookie.  I told him no because I was trying not to eat sugar today and if he ate one in front of me it would be much harder for me.  He was very sweet (he is 8) and said okay and ate something else.  My 6 year old daughter on the other hand, wanted cotton candy at the ball field last night.  I told her the same thing and she said, "I just won't let you have any."  HAHA!  I was looking in the pantry today for a snack to bring to work and I saw peanut butter cups, oreos, graham crackers, Easter candy, but no mixed nuts, which is what I wanted.

on 6/16/15 3:40 pm
Revision on 07/07/15

Sugar IS crack for me.......taking glutamine really helped me with the sugar cravings, took the edge off.  Now stevia and Xylitol are enough for me. 

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