Posted earlier in the VSG forum but want to add some personal thoughts in here. My youngest daughter (Tiffany) is a personal trainer (not active right now though) and has been very supportive in this journey of mine. She knows how many diets I have been on and never successful for long on them. She was my biggest concern on her concept of WLS but there was no need for concern. I read the forums every day and see the ones that don't have support from their family, being told WLS is the easy way out. It definitely isn't. It is a tool to assist with the weight loss. I have to do the work, I have to fight the head hunger, I have to make the right choices, not the ones that got me to this point to begin with. I have to be accountable for what goes in my mouth. I have to pay the consequences for when I eat too much or the wrong stuff. I am learning for sure and have not overeaten my sleeve in several weeks.. Not a good feeling when that happens, very uncomfortable being so nauseated that almost throwing up feeling, and scared to do it afraid that I will damage my sleeve.. Scary thoughts for sure. Recognizing and acknowledging the runny nose syndrome .. that one more bite just isnt worth it. As one poster says and I repeat it daily (several times a day) Nothing tastes as good as Fit feels. I have to do this for myself and only be accountable for my choices. Good luck to those on the journey..jump in and just do it if considering the journey. This is the best thing I have done for myself in years (just wi**** could of been years sooner). Have a wonderful weekend.. Pam