How did you tell your family and friends about the surgery?

on 4/12/15 4:27 am
VSG on 01/19/15 with

I have been an open book.  My family and friends were worried about my weight.  Now almost 3 months and 59.6 lbs lost it was the best decision.  It would have been hard to explain the new eating habits anyway.  

Best of luck to you.  

Age: 58 Height 5'4" SW: 260 (1/4/15) CW 127.4 7/6/17)

on 4/12/15 6:12 am
VSG on 04/21/15

Thanks, still working on how to explain new eating habits to anyone... I want to be honest so far only I'm forcing myself to cut down the amount that I eat and doctors are monitoring me. Is all I can think of.

on 4/12/15 11:36 am
VSG on 06/24/14

Funny thing about the eating habits issue. I went out for dinner last night with a bunch of friends. 2 know about my surgery, the other 5 did not.

Not one person noticed, or commented on my eating habits or choices. I was there to be social, and hang out with my friends. I said no to the drinks (I was never a drinker anyway) one person commented on that, but I just said "I'm not drinking tonight, i'm the driver" and that ended that conversation.

I passed on the appys, and nobody even noticed. When my dinner came, I automatically cut my steak in half, and pushed half behind my potato LOL I then cut the other half into bite sized pieces, and slowly ate my dinner. One thing that I noticed is, everyone was so busy eating their own dinner, they didn't pay any attention to what I was doing.
I ate half of my steak (3 oz) and a few bites of my potato (it was heaven LOL)
When the waitress came around, I just quietly asked for the rest of my steak to be packed up and I ate it for breakfast this morning.

Even my husband, who was sitting beside me, didn't even notice LOL He actually asked me AFTER dinner "What did you end up ordering?"

Honestly, just do your thing. Don't make a big deal about it, nobody will even notice, or care what you are doing.

And like I said before, I've been doing my program for over 2 years now. I've been vigilant about what I eat (even before my surgery) so as far as the weight loss? If you actually stick to your diet for 2+ years, the weight does come off!

Not one person has questioned my weight loss or asked if I had surgery. I have had many people say "Good for you sticking to your program" and that's it. I just say thanks, and move on.


on 4/12/15 7:44 am - MI

I knew my parents would support me no matter what, so that wasn't an issue. What was weird for me is people that I thought would be supportive weren't & those I didn't expect much from were. It was strange to me. I'm five months out now and recently I have become way more comfortably telling people. What kind of reaction are people going to have now? My health is great, I feel good, I look good. It has been much easier for me to talk about now!

Good luck to you!! It sounds like your husband is on board and that is huge!!

Age: 40 Height: 5'8" Highest Weight: 325 Starting Weight: 291 Current Weight: 166 Goal Weight: 160

 VSG 10/24/14 with Dr. David Chengelis

on 4/12/15 9:12 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On April 11, 2015 at 9:16 PM Pacific Time, i8it77 wrote:

I have always been known as the fattest one...Family may not be accepting of surgery , possibly seeing it as a lazy way out. I'm not sure how to tell them as they are judgmental. Or perhaps they won't be at all. My husband has agreed not to tell them and stand by me as I will wait till after procedure is done. Still not sure how to address them all. I've thought about a letter to all so I can explain and not get interrupted. But not sure on how to word it. And then How do I address coworkers and others? Thought about not telling at all. Suggestions?


if you get the "lazy way out" line, asked them if they drove there that day? They did? Why didn't they walk? Wasn't driving there taking the easy way out. Did they use their dishwasher,or the washer and dryer? They DID. No!!!!!! Why didn't they was and dry everything by hand,dishes and clothes,hang them out to dry on the line? Wasn't using machines,or TOOLs,taking the easy way out? 

WLS is a TOOL,not the easy way out. You still have to USE your tool to make it work.




on 4/12/15 8:57 pm
VSG on 04/21/15

That's a good one

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