Lap Band or VSG? Fertility Issues

on 4/2/15 5:51 am

F | AGE: 34 CW: 315 GW:180

I am interested in the Lap Band because it seems less invasive. I  had my consultation appointment with my surgeon. One of my major reasons for having this done is to increase my fertility. I would like to conceive as soon as possible since I'm not getting any younger. She seemed to be talking me out of Lap Band and into doing Gastric Sleeve , she seemed very passionate and determine to rebuttal my objections for having VSG which I wasn't prepared to hear mentally or emotionally. Does anyone have any feedback or thoughts on the Pros or Cons of having VSG over LapBand? I don't want a complicated pregnancy, and I would like the weight to come off within the 12-18 period after surgery so that I can conceive right away.


on 4/2/15 6:23 am - Woburn, MA

Having had both, i would recommend the vsg over the band.  With the band, food can get stuck - and when that happens at a function or a restaurant, it is even more miserable than the misery it is at home.  Also I only got down to 157 with the band and got to 123 with the sleeve.  Of course the decision is yours - band can be loosened or removed.  Once you get your stomach cut out, there's no going back.  Good luck with your decision

VSG on 04/28/2014

on 4/2/15 6:55 am
VSG on 06/16/15

I have not had my surgery yet but you and I are extremely close in age and weight. I cannot conceive either as of right now. My surgeon is a US new top ranked surgeon so when he told me the band is crap I was crushed but in the back of my head I thought well ok this guy knows what he's talking about. I initially only wanted the band. The longer he talked the more my mind changed. VSG has a better success rate with the weight coming off and his female patients trying to conceive who had VSG had a 100% success rate in infertility issues resolving itself and all got pregnant who actively tried and did not succeed initially. I was sold and the more I read the more I feel I made the right choice with VSG. Try not to think of it as more invasive, it really is very safe. Good luck!

Gwen M.
on 4/2/15 7:10 am
VSG on 03/13/14

The Lap Band might be removable and "less invasive" but the scars and damage that it often causes last forever.  Sometimes to the point that you can't even get a revision surgery.  You couldn't pay me enough to consider the band.  

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

Sarah V.
on 4/2/15 9:37 am

Well, I've had both and for the same reason so I think I'm qualified to answer this one. I do credit the LapBand with helping me lose enough weight to have my daughter. However, after having my band unfilled during my pregnancy, it was never the same afterwards. I could never get back to the "sweet spot", was constantly too tight or had no restriction at all...I was a mess. I basically ignore the problems for a couple years and gained back most of my weight.

When I finally went to a new surgeon (my old one moved away) I found out that my band had slipped. I had it for over seven years, the first two were great, the other five not so much. I had a revision April 29, 2014 and now I've lost everything I gained back plus a few pounds. 

The surgery was harder to recover from partly because it was a revision and I was so enflamed from the band and partly just because there's a lot of cutting inside whereas the band only requires a few outside incisions.  My surgeon told me that he removes a lot more bands than he installs and he only did two lapbands last year.

As someone who's had both, I would definitely recommend the sleeve over the band. I don't regret having the band because it worked for me ****il it didn't), I learned a lot about myself and what I was capable of and the best of all, I have a beautiful almost 5 year old daughter.  However, if the sleeve had been an option for me back then, which it wasn't because it was too new and my insurance didn't cover it, I would have chosen it and spared myself many years of band related difficulty.

Good luck with whatever you choose.

Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014


on 4/2/15 12:48 pm

Thank you everyone! The more testimonies I hear and the more research I do the more I feel like I'm warming up to the idea of VSG. At this point point I've come to terms with the fact that I will do whatever is necessary to attain longevity, health and most of all motherhood! TTC for 3 years with no luck has been emotionally draining. I'm at my heaviest now and getting older so being at this weight is physically and mentally draining.

on 4/2/15 2:45 pm - Vancouver, WA

I'm sitting here right now gagging on acid that I have 24/7 even tho I had my band removed over a year ago. I had it for 7 yrs total and had few problems for the first 2-4 yrs. but after that it was constant heart burn and taking fluid out until I finally had to self pay to get it out, many insurances won't pay for removal once it is in. I have permanent damage to my stomach from the band and I would wish the daily pain I suffer on anyone. It has the lowest success rate of all the surgeries and that won't help you get pregnant at all.

Most surgeons don't even do the band anymore because it is such a failure. It is also not a life long surgery at some point it will need to come out and either another one put in which is rarely successful or do another type of surgery. Why not get a surgery that will last your whole life not just a for awhile till it wrecks your stomach surgery? Please listen to your surgeon he knows what he is talking about!!! Trust me I've been there done that and it was horrendous!!!

I want you to be able to have a child and be able to enjoy that child with out having to run for the toilet to puke in the middle of a play date or drag your kid in the bathroom with you because you are in a restaurant and have to go puke. We banders have a joke with the red solo cups because so many have to use them when they go places they keep them in their cars so they can barf in them when they get sick! Just say NO to lap bands!


on 4/2/15 5:00 pm
VSG on 04/27/15

I'm in the same boat and asked specific questions about when I could have a baby after surgery and I was told to wait 18 months at a minimum. My dr says he always hear patients tell him that it goes really fast!

i chose a vsg because my dr said it would be better for long term success. It will help me loose the weight, and if I follow the program keep it off. 

I plan to attempt to get pregnant in about 2 years. I should be to goal my then and have been maintaining. Then after baby I will get a tummy tuck. 

(deactivated member)
on 4/3/15 2:36 am
RNY on 05/04/15

I know of surgeons who will no longer perform the band due to the long-term complications of slippage, breakage, and erosion. I know 4 people who've been banded -- 3 have since had it removed due to complications, and the other one isn't exactly what I'd call a success story. The band is quickly going the way of the dodo like the old stomach stapling of the 70s and 80s.

I can sympathize with having your heart set on one procedure and being strongly advised to consider another, however. I was planning on VSG for years (which is why I still frequent this forum), but my surgeon talked me into the RNY due to my severe GERD. I'm still not totally on board with the idea of a stoma and intestinal re-routing, but I understand it's the better option for me. It certainly does throw you for a loop though!

on 4/3/15 6:06 pm

Thank you everyone, after reading here and other boards, as well as connecting with the #vsginstacrew and receiving a lot of information and testimonies, I have officially decided to get VSG. I'm so grateful for the LapBanders for telling me their stories and the VSGers for sharing their success! 

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