Strategy is better than strength. - Hausa proverb
On the busiest road leading to the village an old wise man sa****ching a young man struggling to move logs. The young man sweated, panted and moaned. He called out to the old man, “Hey aren’t you going to help me get this work done?” The old man smiled and said “Yes” and continued to sit. A man passed by and greeted the old man with a smile. The old man asked, “As a favor to an old man, would you move a log?” The man complied, as did the second, the third and so on until all the logs were cleared from the old man’s field. The young man saw this and rebuked the old man for being lazy. The wise man smiled and replied, “If you are in the right place, at the right time, using your assets, the work will get done.”
I Am open to receive all help that comes to me. – Iyanla Vanzant