3 Days Post-op today.

on 3/12/15 10:39 am

Hello everyone. You all gave such amazing support when I wasn't sure if this was what I wanted. Damn cold feet. But today I am on day 3 of recovery. The day of surgery was hell. I wasn't nervous until they wheeled me into the OR, then I couldn't stop crying until they put me under. I also hated how long it took me to wake up afterward. I was a miserable biotch the whole day. I underestimated how bad surgery day pain would be. Also, the nausea was a bit overbearing at times, but alas, I made it through all that.

Yesterday, day 2, was quite a bit better. I was able to get up and walk several laps around the floor of the hospital. I was also able to start tolerating my drinks and lunch and supper, which were also drinks. 

Today I was able to go home. I only have pain in my left middle abdomen where the large incision seems to be. A heating pad works miracles on this pain. 

I know before I had surgery I looked for everyones post-op stories, the ones that were only a couple of days out to see how they were doing, so I wanted to update for anyone who had the same curiosities as me.

on 3/12/15 10:47 am - Phoenix, AZ
VSG on 02/19/15

The first day when I woke up, I was in an ungodly amount of pain and slept for most of that entire day. Even up to about day 5 was reallyl painful for me. I regretted it terribly the first few days and would probably have not gotten it if I would have known about the pain. Glad you're on the mend though, and hopefully you'll be running marathons in no time. :) 

on 3/13/15 4:57 am



I tried backing out right before they put me under. I had no emotions about the whole things until the moment they wheeled me into the OR, then I freaked out completely. Today I am feeling better, and I will hopefully be thankful I did it within just a couple of weeks. I do not regret it at this point, and the one day of awful pain will look silly in hindsight I'm sure :-)


on 3/12/15 11:36 am

Thank you for posting this! I am just in the beginning of this whole WLS. I have my EGD scheduled for 2 weeks out. I have been very anxious about the surgery pain!!! VERY anxious!

on 3/13/15 4:59 am



I found the first day to be the worst so far, for several reasons. I was extremely anxious until I had gotten a surgery date, then I was more excited than anything. Today is day 4 and I'm feeling alright. It feels like someone punched me in the left side of my ribs, but I have found my heating pad works miracles on that pain, as does the pain meds lol. You'll do great! Just keep reading this forum. I wasn't in for a lot of surprises after reading what everyone else had gone through!

on 3/12/15 1:23 pm

It's odd I suppose, but I had hardly any pain in the hospital and did not use the painkiller they gave me to take home. They got me out of bed within 4 hours of returning to my hospital room, but although I had to move a bit slowly from minor stiffness and pain, it was entirely doable. I didn't need any help after that first little walk.

I'm not especially brave about pain, so I credit the nursing staff for their excellent care. They knew what I needed before I knew I needed it. Pain has not been a problem for me throughout my recovery, now 5 weeks from surgery. Wi**** was like that for everybody.




  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 3/13/15 5:01 am



It's awesome you had so little pain!!! I'm a big wimp, and I had a few issues with throwing up. But today is much better, just sore, no longer feeling a lot of pain. I've also successfully been able to keep creamed soup down, so yay for that!!! 

on 3/12/15 10:43 pm - South, TX
VSG on 03/09/15 with

Glad you are feeling okay!  The left incision is my only really painful one too.  Was your surgery on the 9th?  We share a surgery date if so!

Lianna   lapband 2005, removed 2014.  VSG 3/9/15

on 3/13/15 5:02 am



That's where my pain is at this point too, and sometimes in my upper back, which they told me is gas. My surgery date was March 10th, but close enough to the 9th lol. How are you feeling all-in-all?

on 3/12/15 11:16 pm

I was sleeved on the 9th. I had pain the first day, bad pressure, but none since! I didn't even fill my pain prescription! Good luck to u

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