Pre-Op: I think I like food more than being thinner...

on 3/6/15 7:47 am

When in without!  If you are having ANY doubts, do not have any surgery!!!!  You will only end up sabotaging it and maybe harming yourself!!  Take your time and go with your GUT instinct (no pun).

Surgery is not for everyone.  Be true to yourself and YOUR feelings.  Good luck :-)

on 3/6/15 9:40 pm

One thing that I was warned about before surgery and nobody else hear mentioned is: Depression. And I can see how post-ops could get clinical depression after surgery. I think that can be linked to how badly you want to make this change. It's also takes a lot of determination to stay on plan and if you don't want it enough, you'll be left with permanent changes to your body with little results anyway. That alone could lead someone to depression.

As many others have already commented - 'maybe you aren't ready,' I do think it is very important to be completely ready because otherwise, you may be at a higher risk for depression after surgery. You need to really want IT to get results and you need to be really determined. Otherwise, it will fail anyway. It isn't magic. It's hard work.

As someone who was less than 40 BMI, I went into surgery after 10 years of failed efforts and a real desire to change myself. These factors were important - I really want this, so this is how I came to my decision. I am so, so happy right now. Are there things that I miss about my old life? Sure! But I wanted this change so badly, this was the right decision for me.

If you can't say that, spend more time thinking...

Best wishes to you!!! 


5'6", VSG on Dec. 2


on 3/7/15 1:06 pm
VSG on 12/09/14

At your age I also wasn't ready because I thought if I couldn't eat what I like I would get depressed.  After a few years I started feeling differently.  Now it was the food making me feel awful, not good.  That's when I started looking into surgery as a valid option.  You have to get over your emotional attachment to food before you have a surgery. Otherwise you're just gonna be miserable and possibly not lose the amount of weight you wanted.

Start weight:  252 pounds 

High weight:  268 pounds


on 3/7/15 2:03 pm
VSG on 03/17/15

Thank you all so much for your thoughtful posts. I'm still on my pre-op diet and hanging in there. I would say I am 98% ready for surgery right now. Rest assured, I will not have it unless I am 100% sure. I have some mild health issues (elevated cholesterol that doesn't need medication yet and hypertension that predates my obesity) that I do not want to worsen. For me the big motivator is that I want to be a better role model for my children. I want to look better, of course, but I want to not be an embarrassment to my kids and help make it less likely that they will have weight problems. I also am hoping I will feel more like doing things with them (though I've never liked exercise much at any weight). I know this is serious and permanent and I will not do it unless I am positive it is the right decision for me. I'm trying to think past this short term restriction to what the rest of my life will be like.


Thank you!

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 3/7/15 2:52 pm, edited 3/7/15 2:52 pm
VSG on 10/09/12

For what its worth, and I also agree with previous posters, I think you ARE ready. Just having some pre op jitters. It is hard to imagine post op life as a pre op. Honestly, food will still be there and you will still enjoy social events. This is just your brain playing tricks on you. Don't worry about the food vs thin debate. It is not real! You can be at a normal weight, enjoy good quality food in small quantities and be healthy. The surgery is not a trade off. It is a win win.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 3/8/15 1:23 am - Chicago, IL
RNY on 03/17/15

I've heard that the pre-op diet is the worst, so if we can make it through pre-op, we will do great after surgery. Last night was the worst so far for me, but I have been hanging in there too. I know I keep rethinking my decision too, but that is the way that I am about everything. While this may not be the case for some people, I can't make this type of major life decision without a lot of consideration, so I don't think that necessarily means you aren't ready.

I know that at least part of the reason that I struggle with my weight is from watching my mom yo-yo diet throughout my entire childhood, so I am also motivated to have wls to be a better role model for my future children. On the bright side, we are almost half way through the pre-op diet. I am already getting excited for the phase I diet.

Height: 5'5" HW: 290 Consultation Weight: 276 SW: 257 CW: 132

on 3/12/15 4:29 am

You know Laura surgery of any kind can be scary and there always is a what if. I only wish I had my surgery at your age so that I could have started living a healthier life much earlier. I think you are brave to have verbalized what I think ALL of have thought at some point or another, just some are afraid to admit it(Hollykim). You don't have to have been THIN to know what it is like, I had never been thin until now and I still enjoy good food but am choosy about what I eat. I enjoy outings, dinners, socializing but it just isn't about the food; I also like being in control now and saying no if I want too. If you have the opportunity for the surgery do it. I don't think you are going at this blindly or so full of yourself that you will absolutely succeed(not that you won't) you are verbalizing all the obstacles that you will be dealing with as a pre-paredness for the surgery; I think this is a great idea!!!

I wish you the best and GO FOR IT!!!

on 3/12/15 2:48 pm

If in doubt DON'T DO IT. You must be ready and willing to work your program.

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