Feeling discouraged.
Had successful revision surgery in 2011 where they removed my lap band and had the gastric sleeve surgery.. Everything was going well ever since until the last four months. I started putting on weight and its been very difficult for me to lose it. My labs are good with the exception of a vitamin D deficiency which its currently being treated. I am aware of being hydrated as well as portion contol. Has anyone experienced this and overcame it and went back on track???
Had a VSG in 2011 as well .Sadly gained back 50 lbs of my 167 loss ..Did well to start then got back into the habit of not eating ,and not drinking enough water .Trying to get back on track Realizing that I need to take care of me and be mindful of what I'm eating .Hoping to learn from someone who has been successful ..Thank you for posting ... Wishing you success !!
Food tracking and carb counting - those are keys for long-term weight control after surgery. Can you tell me exactly what you're eating every day? Can you tell me exactly how many carbs you're taking in every day?
If the answer is "no" to either one of these then that is the reason you are gaining weight. Go back to basics: 80 grams of protein a day, 40 grams of carb or less a day, 80-100. oz of water a day and move your body 30 minutes a day. Works like a charm