Conservation/Starvation mode? fact or fiction and WHEN did you experience it?

on 3/5/15 3:46 am
VSG on 02/25/15

Hi Everyone!

I had surgery on 2/25/15.  I have weighed the same amount since Monday and today is Thursday.  Is it possible that my body is already going into starvation mode?  I am very proud of the fact that from My day of surgery (Weds) to this past Monday I had lost 12 pounds, but thats it.  I haven't lost an ounce since Monday.  I am grateful that I have been able the last several days to get all 64 oz. of liquid and at least 50 grams of protein.  I'm using Myfitnesspal to track my calorie intake, and I average between 400-500 calories per day.  Is it normal to stop losing this soon?  The taste of the whey protein isolate is beginning to make me almost sick but I'm white knuckling thru for now.  I ordered some "Peanut Butter Cookie" protein from B.E. and hope it will taste better. 

on 3/5/15 4:03 am - ME

Hi Jenny!  Everyone is different, but I can assure you that you are not in starvation mode.  I gained 13 lbs. from the fluids.  A little over a week later, I'd lost 10 of those 13 lbs., but was still up by 3.  It was determined that I was probably quite constipated, as I hadn't had a BM in a week, and the surgeon's nurse said to take MOM.  That did the trick.  However, at my 2 week check-up, I'd only lost 7 lbs. total from my pre-surgery weight.  People here told me, and the NUT confirmed that, as I'd lost a lot pre-op, I would probably get off to a slow start.  After a bit, it all evened out and I lost at a steady rate.  I would say 12 lbs. in 8 days is amazing (was that in addition to the weight gained from surgery?).    Also, if you've been constipated, which is a common occurance, that would impact on weight loss.  If that's the case, check with the surgeon's office on what to do, and consider some type of daily fiber.  I've done fiber gummies.  Others have use Metamucil or Miralax.  Again, check with what your surgeon recommends.  Sounds like you're following the plan, so just try to relax, as the weight will come off.  Keep us posted and good luck!  :)   Mary

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
on 3/5/15 4:27 am
VSG on 02/25/15

Thanks so much Mary!  I haven't had a BM in 2 days so today I started adding a little 'benefiber' to my water as I am drinking it.  I lost 10 pounds during the pre op diet, and when I weight after surgery I was UP 10 pounds (fluids from the hospital/ IV's etc) and then on monday I had lost 12 from the morning of my surgery.  My 2 week follow up is 1 week from today.  PATIENCE is NOT my strong suit.  Guess I am going to have an opportunity to LEARN how to be more patient.  Thank you SOOO much for the response.  It really helps to know that I am NOT ALONE!!!  Have a fantastic weekend!


The Salty Hag
on 3/5/15 6:30 am
RNY on 05/20/13

If you're already stopped up, benefiber won't help you, it'll just stop you up more since it tends to bulk up your stool. Clear yourself out and then once you're cleared out...start with the benefiber.

I just went through being really, reallllllly literally full of crap and my doc told me no adding fiber ( including benefiber ) to my diet until my colon was cleared out.

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

on 3/5/15 4:03 am - Vancouver, WA

Nope you are just doing what normally happens. Losing is a stair step thing lose some, then stop for awhile, lose some more, stop for another while.

Starvation mode is a bunch of hooey in my opinion no matter what the so called experts say, it is bunk!! You are merely losing like all the rest have. Great job getting the water and protein in tho keep that up and things will move along again!!

on 3/5/15 4:36 am
RNY on 08/21/12

You are not in starvation mode, because starvation mode doesn't exist. It's impossible not to lose weight on 500 calories a day. But the scale will not necessarily show a loss every day, or even every week.

Put the scale away if it makes you this crazy. Three days without a change in weight is going to happen a lot.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 3/5/15 5:13 am

I am going to say what has been said to me by: nurses, doctors, post-op pts, nutritionist, massage therapist, physical therapist and I am sure you get it...STAY OFF THE SCALES!  YOUR DOCTOR'S scale IS THE ONLY ONE THAT COUNTS!

Try on a pair of zip-up pants that do not fit yet...and every couple of days try them too will discover how your body is changing.  Inches, count as much as the scales.  Stop obsessing over something you stand on.  It just provides numbers that we tend to judge our progress by.  Too sad we put so much focus on this device and allow it to have power over us.

You are doing GREAT:-)

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/5/15 5:22 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

You are only a couple of weeks out from major surgery, ease up on yourself! Your body is in healing mode so don't sweat the scale thing. Follow your drs plan for you & the weight will come off, in the meantime put the scale away, it can drive you crazy.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 3/5/15 5:25 am
VSG on 04/07/14

You aren't in starvation mode, you're in the "3 week stall." If you search the forum, you'll find thousands of threads about that. The name of the weight loss game is to keep on keepin' on. If daily weighing frustrates you and makes you feel like you need to "act" on it, then the best thing to do is stay off the scale. I, personally, like the data points and use the website to help me keep those daily weight fluctuations in perspective.

April:  HW- 323, SW-310, CW-159 (as of 9/25/15), Goal- 140; Pre-op (-13), M1 (-17), M2 (-16), M3 (-14), M4 (-13), M5 (-12), M6 (-8), M7 (-12), M8 (-8), M9 (-8), M10 (-5), M11 (-7), M12 (-5), M13 (-7), M14 (-0), M15 (-1), M16 (-5), M17 (-5)



on 3/5/15 7:22 am
VSG on 02/25/15

Thank you, I have not heard of before.  I will have to look that up.  I guess I was just sad to hit the "3 week stall" when my surgery was only 1 week ago.  Maybe I can get it out of the way NOW and NOT have a stall at 3 weeks!  Thanks for the tip about trend


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