Hair Loss: For those who have had previous non WLS surgeries
I've had surgeries before WLS and I just had another surgery in all times I lost hair (and currently am experiencing some loss) but it was never as bad as it was after WLS. Truly horrific in my case
Google telogen effluvium and it will explain it better. That along with the quick weight loss does a number on most people. However, there are those lucky few that don't lose a hair.
You have hope. Not everyone loses their hair. I never lost any hair with the births of my 3 sons and I had back surgery 10 years ago and didn't lose any hair with the surgery. I may be fortunately pre disposed. I have lost 80 pounds so far and no hair loss. I realize that I am likely the exception but I maintain that it is not a given that this will occur. Make sure that you are getting in your vitamins and exceed your protein levels.
Good luck to you.
I had a total abdominal hysterectomy and can't remember hair loss being a problem. I didn't notice losing a ton of hair due to WLS, but now that it's 1.5 years later I can see the short pieces coming back in, (I wear it long). I have relatively thick hair and a lot per square inch. I followed the "rules", (still do), at least 1000 calories per day, get 75+ g of protein, hydrate, take biotin and my prescribed supplements, etc. but I consider myself lucky as far as holding on to my hair went.
Sweat is fat crying