Post op recovery with a 16 month old
Thanks so much for the replies. My husband leaves for work at 3:30 am so I'm going to start with converting her crib to the toddler bed and get a side protector immediately. I never thought about teaching her to climb on the couch to change her! This forum is so helpful, thanks again for all the advise!
getting her in a toddler bed will be the best bet.
I did not have a specific lifting restriction. My almost 2yo was 40 pounds and my surgeon knew that. he told me to not carry him around - but that I was allowed to lift him if absolutely needed.
We had him in a toddler bed at that point and I would either sit on the floor or have him climb up to me for diaper changes - so I wasn't lifting him very much at all anyways.
My instructions were to avoid doing things that caused me pain...if lifting the kid caused pain - don't do it. I also had no-exercise-other-than-walking restriction for 6 weeks. By 3 weeks post op I was climbing around inside the tubes of an indoor playground.
I'd have help ready - but also know that if you are feeling well and healing normally - you probably won't have many issues parenting.
5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->
My kids were 2 and 3 when I had surgery. I was in the hospital for three nights and when I came home was fine taking care of them. My surgery was on a Tuesday and I remember that first weekend my son took his dirty diaper off and got poop on his carpet and there I was on the floor cleaning it up and wondering where my Florence Nightingale was. My recovery was very easy and I went back to work on Monday. Sitting at a desk easier than taking care of two toddlers. I did lift my two year old out of the crib but did not carry the kids - told them mommy has a boo boo. Good luck!
Thanks for telling me your experiences I don't want to hurt myself, but at the same time I have to take care of my daughter. My husband has decided to take off 2 weeks so I'm feeling much better about it. I'm very healthy (except for being overweight) and I normally heal fast. So I'm praying for a speedy recovery!