Removal of ghrelin it really permanent?? Vets??
As you know amber I'm no vet and I'm at almost the same amount of time out as you... I get hungry once in a while but I've noticed it's when I'm bored out of my mind so I don't believe for me it's true hunger !!! I have to remind my self to eat sometimes still like yesterday I had an egg and cheese omlet for breakfast at 7 am went to work was so busy that when I got home at 8 pm I remember I hadn't eaten all day... but I got my water in lol.. so I had another egg omlet! ! I hate days like that!!! :-)
♡ Kelly
Your still on a PPI I was off by 3 months out?? I eat some spicy mainly buffalo chicken and crackslaw !! Get tha****er 8n cause that will curb your hungry ... and if you drink when your hungry it will curb your your appetite if its not true hunger water is a huge part of our weight loss so you know you gotta get that in you don't need dehydration especially this far out be easy on yourself don't worry about it you got this you can do it stay focused..!!! :-*
♡ Kelly
I can usually trace feelings of hunger to sugar intake. Usually about 45 minutes after suagr I feel hungry. Carbs are turned into sugar in the body so carbs do the same thing to me. I've always had hypoglycemia and I'm insulin resistant (probably why I gained weight originally) and the surgery didn't change it. As long as I am good at getting my protein and fluids in, I rarely experience hunger.
I hate drinking water so I put Ener-C powder in my water. Yummy, not full of sugar like powerade or fruit juice, and extra vitamins.