I wish someone had told me...

on 3/3/15 1:27 am

I wish I had researched a little more about this VSG surgery.  I don't regret having it done, I have lost 30+ lbs in 3 months and some would call me a "light weight".  But I have been surprised by how easy it is to overeat the stuff we should all stay away from, with or without surgery.  Junk food is the easiest to get down and keep stuffing down!  Before surgery, if I had stuck with dense protein, veggies and fruit, I would have lost weight...I have got to work on the mind stuff now or I am in danger of not losing anymore weight and possibly regaining what little I've lost:(

(deactivated member)
on 3/3/15 1:35 am

I am so sorry that no one told you this. I have to admit that even though I knew this information, I still dallied with the carb and "junk" foods a bit after reaching goal. It was all good the first 15 months post surgery, but then eating carbs became problematic. I have to be very careful about what I eat, too, because I gain weight so easily when I over eat the crap food.

You are smart to be getting a handle on this now rather than when you are farther out and it's harder to curb the behaviors!


on 3/3/15 1:46 am

Thank you...I have only been losing about 1/2 to 2 lbs a week and if I snack on crackers, chips, ice cream, then I gain...I gotta get a handle on things!

on 3/3/15 1:44 am
VSG on 01/19/15

i am with you. i did think the surgery would help more than it has. it has been LARGELY willpower and better choices (and recovering from a surgery, rather than RESULTS from the surgery) that have contributed to my losses. if i had really understood this i would have really tried to make it work with the life-altering unpleasant effects from the surgery, like never being able to swallow pills, drink during a meal, etc.
but what's done is done, and i am doing what i have never managed before. just got to keep our eyes on the prize. :)


on 3/3/15 1:53 am

Glad to know I'm not the only one...We can do this now that we know what we're up against!

on 3/3/15 1:57 am
VSG on 01/19/15
It really is mind over matter. And my mind has been working REALLY hard these last couple of weeks. Especially when the rest of the family break out the snacks after dinner. It does help that the husbands fav chippies are salt and vinegar. I allow myself a single taste of something crunchy (everything is so soft still, despite being on full foods), then don't want anything more :) It's small things like just not buying the snacks I like that are keeping my mind on track.
on 3/3/15 8:52 pm

I had to stop buying the snacky stuff for my family also just so I wouldn't dive in!

on 3/3/15 2:03 am - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

I am luck my surgeon and  nut both explained this to me and I also started the support group while on the 6 month pre op diet and peple there always spoke of slider food


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 3/3/15 8:54 pm

Thank you for your reply...I really need to get involved in a good support group.  I can't afford a NUT right now but that would be helpful also.

Amber G.
on 3/3/15 2:26 am, edited 3/3/15 2:26 am
VSG on 04/02/14

Hi elatedelaine! I totally get what the vets would post prior to me having surgery, which was "the sleeve is only a tool". The statement is so true too! I am 11 months out, and am really embracing that. What works for me, is the thought of gaining back. It scares my butt right back into line :) I tell myself, you did not have this major surgery to fail! Maybe it may help going to see a therapist ( so wish I would have done that from the beginning) or see if your surgeons office has support groups. You can do this! :) 

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