Rough day for me today :(

on 3/2/15 11:03 am - FL
VSG on 02/19/15

im 11 days post sleeve and I have to admit that I know I haven't been getting enough fluids in but as far as the ones that I am taking I've been able to get them down without any problems. Except for applesauce. Everything was good until I took an antibiotic befoer bed last night, and I woke up vomiting. Of course there was nothing on my stomach so it was all stomach acid. I felt my sleeve contracting as I heeved! I woke up in pain this morning my sleeve was sore. My doctor has put me back on clear liquids for two days and I gotta say it really does make a difference. I felt much better after drinking some warm broth. Maybe the puddings, yogurts, and apple sauce on the full liquid diet were a bit much for me. At this point the worst thing is the cravings that are in my head. I guess this post was really just me venting. Has anyone had any similar experiences?

on 3/2/15 11:10 am

I'm 8 months post op and still have days where all I want is warm broths, warm drinks, etc. On those days I listen to my tiny tummy and oblige. I try to get in a protein shake but if it doesn't feel comfortable then I stick it back in the fridge. I always feel better the next day after going easy on my tummy. 


on 3/2/15 11:25 am

Herbal tea really saved me in those early days. I liked Chamomile and Sleepytime. It could be that you aren't ready yet for the yogurt. That's what happened to me. I ate it all of the time before surgery, but haven't had any success with it yet and I'm three-months out today. I get dumping symptoms, diarrhea. My NUT told me that it's possible to be lactose-intolerant for some dairy. I can have cottage cheese, but not yogurt. So, that's just a thought to keep in mind.

For cravings - and I get it - you could try a diet Swiss Miss hot chocolate.  Only if you don't think it will trigger more sweet cravings. The way that I look at it is I miss all of those foods I used to ate and how they taste. But I'm not hungry for them, nor do I crave them. I just say, 'Yes, I miss that, but I don't need it anymore.' The word crave has a connotation that is must be satisfied. I will only admit to missing these foods, not craving them!

Good luck as you continue on the journey! 


5'6", VSG on Dec. 2


on 3/3/15 12:42 pm

Pray more, I love how you say 'yes I miss that' instead of 'I crave that'.  You are so right, craving it makes the intention to have it, missing it just acknowledges your feelings.  What a wonderful way to look at it. Thank you

on 3/3/15 10:08 pm

We all cope with that one!  Some days are better than others and we can only do the best we can do! But self-talk and what we tell ourselves does play a big role. I try to stay in the positive and think about the good. Helps so much. 


5'6", VSG on Dec. 2


on 3/3/15 2:04 pm

So funny how different the various surgeons' plans are.  On my plan, full liquids meant liquids - milk, soup (no solids in the soup), protein drinks, etc.  Puddings, yogurts, applesauce and such were reserved for the next stage - mushy/soft foods.  It was 10 days clear liquids, 10 days all liquids, and 10 days soft/mushy.  I took it pretty slowly, too, and was willing to go back (as you're doing) if I needed to.  As far as missing some things, I will say this - that first bit of scrambled egg (very liquidy) was heaven!

Do you live with other family members who are eating normally?  That would be hard, I live alone and the only craving "triggers" I had to deal with, and still do, are TV ads, haha.  It does get better, and eventually there isn't anything you won't be able to eat.  Hopefully there will be a big range of stuff you choose not to eat very often, but nothing is off limits in maintenance.

Keep up the good work!  :-)

Height 5' 7"   High Wt 268 / Consult Wt 246 / Surgery Wt 241 / Goal Wt 150 / Happy place 135-137 / Current Wt 143
Tracker starts at consult weight       
In maintenance since December 2011.

on 3/4/15 1:45 pm - FL
VSG on 02/19/15

Lol I know this is a huge challenge for me. Yes I live with other people and on top of it all I have a 5 year old that I still have to cook for. I was snooping around the Internet and I found it quite interesting that there are so many different types of diets for these surgeries as well.

on 3/3/15 10:13 pm

I live with people who 'eat normally.' LOL! I made it through the holidays with all of the favorites that I cooked! And yes, it poses a certain challenge to have these foods 'in stock' and in reach. The TV ads get me, too! Right now, the forced compliance given to me by the surgery helps. I have a 4 - 5 oz capacity limit and my sleeve doesn't like sugar or fat. Too much sugar too fast and high fat content causes dumping for me - either crazy insulin reaction, nausea and sudden fatigue  or awful diarrhea. I don't know how long this forced compliance will last and then I'll be relying on sheer willpower, but that is just my sleeve. But, I do miss some food of my past. I'd rather be lighter and happier, though. 



5'6", VSG on Dec. 2


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 3/4/15 2:01 am
RNY on 08/05/19

Some foods just don't play nice with different people's stomachs at first! For example, couldn't handle eggs at ALL until I was probably 6 months out, others have trouble with different foods.

If something makes you queasy, there's no harm in waiting to try it again. It could be the citric acid in the applesauce, something about the texture, or something else in the ingredients. Take it easy and take care of yourself, and stick to things you can stomach for now.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

Kelly Jean
on 3/4/15 3:25 am
VSG on 04/08/14

I'm 11 months out and some days my sleeve can be a real *****!! Lol  but I would do it all over again in a heart beat .. ot will get better every day !!! Congratulations on your new sleeve !! :-) 

♡ Kelly 


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