
on 2/25/15 3:08 am

I heard of the three week stall. Is that what's happening? The middle of week 2 til now 4 weeks post op I've been losing and gaining the same 3lbs. I've been following the nutrition guidelines & Working out every day for 30-60 min & haven't moved on. Very discouraging and aggervating. 

on 2/25/15 3:32 am

Yep, week 3 stall.  Mine started the second week too.  Mine resolved when I was able to get in really a lot of fluids (I'm doing 96 oz a day now, I know not everyone can tolerate that).  I also dropped my carbs to below 30g/day and I think that helped too.  Hang in there.  I reassured myself by looking at posts from people who shared about their stalls but who have gotten to goal.  

Surgery date: 2/4/15    Surgeon: Ozanan Meireles, MD, Mass General Hospital

HW/284   SW/250   CW/185   GW/150       


on 2/25/15 9:04 am
VSG on 01/19/15

i have had the stall going from week 4 till now, week 6! it is very frustrating, and i am trying to figure it out myself. i am trying to get in more water, but it seems to really make me gassy. i hope i see some movement soon. i always thought it'd come off easier in the beginning, and get harder later.


on 2/25/15 4:48 am
VSG on 01/21/15

Yes it is the 3 week stall. I had the same issue that you are having and was doing everything right. Just give it about a week and you will start losing again. Your body is just trying to adjust to your new stomach. :) 

on 2/25/15 5:26 am - Canada

Oh god yes...this is whats happening to you.

I am 5 weeks out and I literally was losing and gaining the same 5lbs for the past 3 weeks. And then all of a sudden yesterday I was down 6! Just keep doing what you're doing, and the scale will eventually show you a loss.
Remember that you're losing inches even though the scale isn't moving during this frustrating stall!

on 2/25/15 2:38 pm

Come on folks, don't sweat these things we like to call a "stall". Especially this early in the game.

I know, easier said than done. I had the dreaded 3 week stall, and yea, I was freaking out just like you all are. It was rough.

Then, it broke, in a big way, 15 lbs in 8 days. Two days in a row of 4 lbs a day. Again, I was freakin out.

Then, it stopped. For another week or so, nothing.

I'm almost 4 months out, am following my program just about to a tee, fluids, protein, vitamins, calcium, etc.

And, I'm finding, that the best losses are following a stall. Ive had 6 what I call "cycles" and still have an average of a pound a day loss.

I recently started a little more repetitive  weight lifting program, I bounced back and forth about 3 lbs for a week or so, then 8lbs in 2days, gone.

It must take my body time to readjust, realign, and let the fat go. I'm ok with that!

Early on, your body is holding everything, once it realizes what's happening, it'll freak you out.

The first few big losses came right after that 3 week stall.

Follow your program, stay positive, and enjoy the nsv's while the scales are stuck.

It'll happen if you let it. And, my favorite quote "It'll freak you out".

I love my sleeve!


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