Need to lose 25 pounds in 3 months. Help!

Sarah V.
on 2/25/15 12:10 am

Kool Aid as in regular Kool Aid with sugar? If so, I'd stop that immediately for sure. Water water water.

Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014


SpikyP L.
on 2/25/15 12:20 am - NM

No I do sugar-free Kool-Aid Added to my water !!  Will a person lose weight if the intake if water is not enough???  

on 2/25/15 2:14 am

I wouldn't suggest putting anything into the water. That's a personal choice, but honestly sugar-free koolaid has no nutritional value and in my opinion can be dangerous if you'r drinking it so frequently. I would suggest 90 oz of just plain old water a day. Osmosis! 


on 2/25/15 2:12 am

Can you talk to your NUT about just going on a pre-op liquid diet? That (according to MY plan) would be a protein shake (something like premier protein) for breakfast, a small cottage cheese or veggie snack for a morning snack, a shake for lunch, a veggie or maybe fruit for snack, and then a lean protein with frilled veggies or lettuce on the side for dinner. That's all. Averaging around 70g of protein a day. It's what many people have to do usually 2 wks before surgery. But. I actually was able to do it during my 6 nth testing period too. It really helped me and got me prepped for when I had to adhere to it 100%. 


SpikyP L.
on 2/25/15 2:19 am - NM

Sounds great but a protein shake does not feel me up I still get hungry! I use GNC lean protein it's very good but like I said protein shakes I'll drink them but I'm still hungry and if I eat again I'll be taking in twice as many calories. How do you stop the hunger ?? 

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