3yrs sleeve
How wonderful that you came back to post and ask for help. That takes guts and a commitment to yourself! Brava! Now....
It's time to gain back your control!
There are several methods that people use to get back on track. FYI, I have had regain of weight and am successfully losing it - slowly, but surely. Here's what has worked for me to get me back on track:
For 3 days you need to commit to going absolutely hard core. Once you get past the third day it seems to get much easier. Hard core comes in different forms for different people. (There is also something called the 5 Day Pouch Test, but I have never done that.)
Method 1 - eat all the lean, clean dense protein you want and all the green vegetables you want and allow yourself moderate portions of healthy fats and oils. You don't need to measure or count calories, if you eat absolutely nothing but the protein and vegetables and limit yourself to 3 or 4 TBS of fats. DO NOT EAT NUTS DURING THIS PERIOD. They are far too calorie dense and you want to see some weight come off during this initial period. Also drink 80-100 oz of water per day.
Method 2 - (not my preferred method) Go to a total liquid diet for 3 days. Use protein shakes, but you will need to count carbs and calories, if you use this method. It's very easy to over do on the liquid calories, especially if you use milk for your shakes. I know some people swear by this method, but it's a little to aggressive for me and feels punitive. Still need to drink the 80-100 oz of water.
Method 3 - a combo of methods 1 & 2. When I have done this (and I currently am living this way until my weight is completely set where I want it again) I find it very easy to do. I a protein coffee for breakfast and then a protein shake made with almond milk for a mid morning meal. I drink about 40 oz of water before lunch. Lunch is then lean, clean, dense protein and some veggies and 1 TBS of dressing. I'll do another meal around 4:00 that is a replica of lunch and then dinner will be about 8 pm and again is the same. I have a greek yogurt sweetened with Splenda or Truvia with a bit of vanilla extract and a TBS of chopped pecans around 10 or 11, IF I feel the need to eat again. I also am pounding down the water. Depending on how much you eat, this meal plan "costs" about 1000-1200 cals per day. Easily doable with a sleeve.
Once you hit the three day mark, you should feel more in control. You really need to ditch the carbs and become protein and vegetable centri****il you get that extra weight off. I think you can go indefinitely on Method 3. I like doing method 1 for a day or two and then switching to method 3 until I'm back where I need to be.
Good luck!
Nope - no negative thinking allowed :) This is a life long journey we all are on so we need to say "enough," pick ourselves up and start again. Much, much easier said than done, I know, but really, what choices do we have? that's what I told myself enough times that it finally motivated me to get back on track. We have two choices here. Either do what we are supposed to do and let the sleeve do its thing, or eat the wrong things, too much of those wrong things, and not exercise and then regain. I keep telling myself it's not rocket science and it's not complicated. Eat the right foods in the right amount, drink my water, exercise, and my body will respond. So far, so good - I'm down 2.5 pounds this week. I hate every minute on the treadmill but I realize that the tradeoff is worth it. You can do it - we can do it - we're all in this together :) Good luck!