Lap band needs redone....should I re-do or go to VSG? Im scared to go that invasive!

on 2/24/15 3:15 am - Butler, KY

I had Lap band in 2006, got prego 4 months later. Had insurance issues not wanting to pay for band follow up, etc. So, band not used since pregnancy. Gain back the 75 lbs that I lost in the first 4 months. Now, I am looking to get band redone (due to slippage) and im not sure if I should do band or switch to VSG. Im terrified to go so invasive. I dont not want any negative side effects of VSG. I like the band...and its reversible if needed. Any banders out there switch to VSG? If so, what do you think?

on 2/24/15 3:23 am - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

get the sleeve , the crap band is now considered temporary  and will need to be remove or redone in 4-5 years the sleeve is permident

 food does not get stuck with the vsg like the crap band and there are no fills or un fills that may not be covered by insurance and can cost as much as $1500 each time  

I love my sleeve rarely ever hungry and I lost over 175 lb


ps most surgeons want you to use 2 forms of birth control the pill does not always work right with rapid weight loss and most surgeons don't want you to get pregnant for 2 years


 most people have problems with the band but few do with the sleeve


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 2/24/15 3:30 am - Butler, KY

Thank you!

I am so scared for the the VSG. The fact that is permanent terrifies me! Prob sounds silly! I am way past any more pregancies...had a tubal with my last so no more babies for me :( I go today for my first visit. Im nervous! Ill talk to my doc and see what he says. I am in need of everyones opinons on here! When I think of getting VSG, I think that God gave me a whole stomach for a reason...what i need it one day? LOL!!! It scares me to death to have half of my stomach removed. I think I need some reassurance from revision people!

on 2/25/15 12:05 am

 Get the VSG. You will not regret it. I had it done and the recovery was noting like I had anticipated. I would do it again in a heart beat. I, unfortunately have a stress eating disorder and have gained back 40 lbs. I hear there is a five day diet to determine if I have stretched out my new stomach. If I could get it done again. I wouldn't hesitate to do so. The first year is AMAZING. You can barely eat only a few bites and you feel stuffed. But after that, I started eating because I was stressed out over some trouble my son got into and it went down hill from there. It had nothing to do with the surgery. They all leave you with the tendency to regain the weight if you do not stick to the healthy eating habits. You won't regret the VSG. A friend of mine had by-pass and she too has gained back considerable amount of weight. It's a tool to help you lose, it's not a miracle working surgery. We can blame no one but ourselves for the gaining weight back. 

on 2/24/15 3:33 am
RNY on 08/21/12

You alrwady know that bands need fills and unfills. They slip, they cause scar tissue, ulcers, reflux and vomiting. VSG is done and permanent. 

So, why do you feel the band is less invasive? It sounds a whole lot more invasive to me.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

Sandy M.
on 2/24/15 3:36 am - Detroit Lakes, MN
Revision on 05/08/13

I got the band almost 10 years ago for the same reasons you state - not permanent, reversible...

What they don't tell you is that the DAMAGE done by the band is sometimes really bad.  Like eroding into your stomach, or leaving a lot of scar tissue.  I went through 8 years of pure torture with the band throwing up all the time, getting "stuck", and basically not leading a normal life.  Moving to VSG was the best thing ever - I simply get full on less food; something the band promised but never delivered.

Definitely talk to a surgeon about your options - many are not even doing the band any longer because of the long-term complication rate.  

Height 5'4"  HW:223 Lap band 2006, revised to Sleeve 5/8/2013, SW:196



Mary Gee
on 2/24/15 4:17 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14
You really need to discuss this with your doctor. The lap band is really not being done much any more due to complications. Read the VSG, Lap Band and Revision forums for more information too. Use the Search feature using terms like Lap Band Revision, or Complications. There's loads of information here, so read, read, and then read some more. Good luck to you.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 2/24/15 5:35 am - NY

I had the band put in 2010 and due to slippage had VSG done 12/15/14. I already loss 36 lbs. never felt so good. no more dumping or food getting stuck. my insurance covered me. I had scar tissue from band but surgery was fast and I've nevr felt better. its hard to believe they removed part of my cant put much thought into that. the band was a nightmare. I couldn't afford to do fills and got tired of not being able to eat real food that I can eat now. steak, chops even pasta if I want...go have a consultaion and do it you wont regret it.







Valerie G.
on 2/24/15 6:33 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

You've got a foreign device in your body that it's already trying to reject.  Have you not seen the permanent damage the less-invasive band has done to people?  Some of these slippage cases are life-threatening.  Some stomachs grow around the band and erode into it.  It's only supposed to be in the body for 8-10 years, so by any definition, the band is TEMPORARY, and never meant to be a permanent solution.  The sleeve is a fully functioning stomach, working as designed just like nature intended.  It's just smaller.  There are is no port maintenance, no interruptions and extra cost for fills/unfills, and no BS further down the line. 

If anything is less invasive, it's a natural stomach made smaller.  Once it's done, it's done.  Life goes on from there.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

Sarah V.
on 2/24/15 6:35 am

I revised from LapBand to sleeve due to slippage. All in all, I'm glad I did. The only thing I might do different would be to not do the removal and the sleeve at the same time. I had so much inflammation from the lap band that I had some real issues recovering from surgery and ended up back in the wasn't pretty.  I think if I'd had the band removed and waited to heal from that and had the sleeve a few months down the road, I could have avoided that.  However, I don't know if my insurance would have covered two surgeries. I definitely don't miss my band.

Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014


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