Anyone else been unsecessful with their weight loss? 3 years out

Zee Starrlite
on 2/23/15 5:40 am

Your post from 3/12/12 :


I was sleeved July 25, 2011 and so far lost only 42 pounds. I have lost and gained over the past 3 months.. My eating habits are horrible. I find I am still always hungry and eat out of boredom. I eat in the car, I eat in front of the television and now have started to eat in bed. I am eating things I should not. Candy, potato chips, ice cream, chocolate and carbs... Nothing has changed on my head. I do not eat as much, but I still eat the wrong foods. Daily, I say to myself I am going to get back on track and I fail... I am not exercising and feel like I wasted a great tool.

 If none of this has changed in the last couple of years, there is no way you can obtain a different result.  You need support and accountability.  Start journaling/logging each morsel of food you put in your mouth  Follow your post-op rules (Protein first, Non startchyVegs 2nd/fruits and if you can and if there is room complex carbs)  Move your body, drink your water! - it is not too late! It does not seem like you were ever "on track" but the beauty of life is if we are given a new day we can begin again.


All Best,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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