The parrot is very subdued today.
on 2/21/15 9:32 pm
Hi Elliebean,
Rules are different in the hospital. The firs****er they gave me was in a 2-oz. medicine cup, and it took me a hour to drink it. Your capacity to drink liquids will increase rapidly. Three weeks out, it takes me about an hour to drink a 12-oz. glass of water. Never "down" anything, even medicine; that's probably what caused you to throw it back up. Small sips, even for horrible-tasting medicines.
Don't be too worried about my experience. I think I'm more the exception than the rule.
Good luck with your recovery.

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
My initial goals were 64 oz of fluids and 64 gms of protein. I did not count calories. By the way- 1000 is way too high. Most of us when we hit our stride were at 600-800. I agree with Grace- 1000 calories is a maintenance level. You can add unflavored protein powder to anything. Unjury also has a ch****n broth which may appeal to you. Try your fluid at different temperatures. Most of the time I drink water warm instead of cold. I add flavored Mio to my water. Some people add Crystal Light. There is peppermint tea which may settle your stomache. Hit your fluids first and start getting that done. A lot of people set a timer and drink and ounce or two every fifteen minutes. You can have soups- pureed cream or sugar free puddings or popsicles.
Good luck.
on 2/21/15 9:19 pm
Thanks, everyone, for your terrific advice. I, too, thought 1,000 calories was way too much. I would have to eat practically all day long to get all of that in.
Don't you wish bariatric surgeons were required to take a pill that made them mildly nauseated, and then put on the full-liquid phase for at least a week and asked to meet their own nutrition requirements? It might make them a little more sympathetic to their patients. However, in every other way, my surgeon has been terrific.
Well, I'm off to "wet my beak" and start fluids and protein for the day.

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
Since my surgery in September of 2014, I have noticed that my sense of smell is heightened; sometimes good, sometimes stinky.
I, like you, found that I was throwing up way too much. I have learned that there is a strong correlation between drinking and eating. It has been extremely difficult for me NOT to drink water while eating. Just doesn't seem normal. Now that I have broken that habit, the nausea has diminished about 90%. Are you drinking close to eating? I know it is hard to get in all that we are supposed to drink but staying away from liquids around eating time has helped tremendously.
on 2/22/15 12:49 am
Thanks again for the new info. I'm not an exerciser -- right now, it's all I can do to take a shower without getting lightheaded. Am starting a very light regimen of walking with my husband holding my hand for balance (and for luv. ). I'm in Florida until the end of March, so I no longer have the Pennsylvania winter to blame for doing nothing.
I'm also very careful about when I drink my water. The program rule is stop 15 min. before; start 45 minutes afterward.
It's odd -- Maybe it's the Florida weather, your advice and good wishes, and time passing, but I feel I've turned a corner today. Woke up without nausea; what a relief. Got a bottle of water down fairly easily. Going out to lunch with my husband and am planning to have a cream soup or refried beans with a little cheese (thank you for that tip). Then I'm going to get my hair blonded and cut, which it desperately needs.
The parrot is starting to perk up a little and look outside the cage.