I am beginning to think I am cursed

on 2/20/15 9:14 am
VSG on 01/11/16

My apologizes in advance for the longish, rambly post 

Every time I get a date or even close to a date .. something happens, I have gone through the pre-op liquid diet twice now, both times mid-way through .. myself or another member of my family has had medicals issues and I've needed to push the date back.

My first date was tentatively 9/26/14.. On 9/5 I developed an fairly large abscess from a piece of mesh that broke loose from previous hernia repair.  It required surgery and took 6 weeks to heal - surgery postponed

My second date was 11/7 .. started the liquid diet on 10/24/14, on 11/1.. the surgery site where the abscess was and completely healed.. developed another abscess, the abscess tunneled down a little bit.. so back to surgery to clean it out, back to packing the wound. -  surgery postponed. 

My third date was 2/23/15 .. started the liquid diet on 2/4 ( I started it early) on 2/11 my mother was really ill so we went to her Dr. .. her Dr. referred us to the ER .. the CT scan showed she had a perforated colon abscess .. we just got home yesterday from the hospital, they ended up draining it and keeping the drain in, hoping it'll be enough..  if not they'll have to place a ostomy bag and resection that portion of her colon. We'll know after the follow up visit and colonoscopy if the drain is working or not. No question about postponing my surgery .. I'm her caretaker and she needs me.

I don't regret having to help her nor do I feel resentful I need to push back my date again .. I know my time will come.. it's just arrrgh with the uncanny timing of every thing happening. Sometimes, things are not meant to be and fate will step it preventing events from taking place .. I just wonder despite how badly I need this surgery.. if it's just not meant to be. 

I've made an appointment for 3/23 for a follow up at the bariatric dr's office so I can stay current .. we shall see what happens

Thanks for listening to my sorrows.. having the forum to let it all out helps. 


on 2/20/15 9:44 am
VSG on 01/19/15

Sorry to hear about your mum. I hope things come out of the better side of things for her.

Rather than "is it meant to be" the other things will now be out of the way, and you will be able to concentrate on just it, no complications. Life has no guarantees, tho, so don't let yourself get to down if it takes a while.

on 2/20/15 9:48 am

wow this suck I'm sorry hope your mom is good and you can go on with your surgery.



on 2/21/15 11:31 am

I'm so sorry- that doesn't sound fun at all. I can somewhat relate, but I didn't have to deal with the health situations you are dealing with. 

My first date was 1/19.  Four days away from surgery- two weeks after starting the LS diet, at my preop- the financial person asked if I had second insurance coverage and mentioned I just qualified for insurance at my work. She said there was a high chance it would be entirely covered if I had double coverage. I called my work and it would not be effective until 1/25- a week after the scheduled date. So I postponed and took the surgeons next available date, which was 3/9. I cried. 

When the OR scheduler called me- she ended up scheduling me for 2/9 accidentally. She said my surgeon had an opening. When I told her that wasn't what the surgeon said, she called and verified and sure enough- it would have to be March 9.  I cried again. 

I called my doctors office to see if there were any cancellations- and the scheduler said there was just a cancellation that day, but would need to check with the doctor. She called back and said the doctor had filled it.  Once again- I cried. 

I don't think I'm a highly emotional person, but people that are not going through this don't realize how important and life changing this is for us. 

Sorry this is so long- but what I'm trying to say is I know how much it sucks. It will happen though. And as people told me, we will look back and it will be such a drop in the bucket in comparison. 


Height: 5'4".    VSG 2/23/15

HW: 257--SW: 237--CW: 207  

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