tell me what to expect postop

on 2/20/15 3:38 am

Any tips or things to expect post op? Maybe things you experienced that you didn't expect or wish you'd known going into it. Thanks! 11 days to go for me! 

on 2/20/15 4:00 am - ME

You'll probably be cold - it's normal.  Your sense of taste and sense of smell may be heightened - it's temporary.  I found that I couldn't tolerate vanilla protein shakes, when they were fine prior.  Even water, that I love to drink tasted awful.  I found icy cold and warm beverages worked best, though it may be different for you.  All went back to normal after a bit.  Weight gain from fluids happens right after surgery, so don't panic if the scale has gone up from pre-surgery, when you get home.   Constipation can be a problem, so, if ok with your surgeon, immediately start on something - Miralax, fiber gummies, etc.  Check with him/her what's best.  If you lost a lot of weight pre-op, then the amount you lose the first few weeks may be less than others you read about here.  Again, don't panic, it will even out.  Pain and discomfort varies greatly.  I took 1/2 dose of pain meds the first night and was fine after.  Others need more.  Listen to your body.  Get up and walk as soon as you can.  Your walks will be short, as you'll tire easily, but the more you move, the quicker the gas pumped in during surgery is expelled and the risk of clots forming goes way down.  Even though my post-op period was almost uneventful, and I was able to drive a short distance 4 days later, I tired easily, especially when standing.  Again, listen to your body.  If you follow the plan the program gives you, you should do fine.  After a couple to a few weeks, you should feel back to normal - better even, as your weight will be on its way down.  Good luck!  Mary

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
on 2/20/15 5:11 am
VSG on 01/21/15

One thing I experienced (and still experience since im only 5 weeks post op) was a lot of pain with my inner incisions. That was one thing I was not warned about so it was unexpected. Also, like the person who commented above me I could not stand plain water or vanilla shakes post op and I loved both pre-op. Your taste buds change a lot, and for me nothing really tastes that good. Also expect to have some stomach noises that might seem like your stomach is growling. It is just the acids in your stomach so dont mistake it for hunger. The first 4 weeks were really hard but once I hit the 5th week I started feeling a lot better. Just be patient and make sure to drink your water! I know everyone says it over and over but it really is so important. 

on 2/20/15 6:27 am - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

ALSO COULD can not stand val shakes post op

there was little pain post op except for a few minutes while you are waking up some people don't even get that

expect to be tired for a few weeks

\and do not make any important decisions for the first month there will be drugs in your system that can effect judgement

 don't  drive for at least 1 week post op 

 diarrhea is common till you are on solid food , then constipation is sometimes a problem


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 2/21/15 12:07 am - AR

I watched a LOT of YouTube videos preop.  This is one that helped me both before and after surgery

His 1 year out and the last one he made are very real information too.  Hope this helps.

HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)

on 2/21/15 12:57 am
VSG on 07/24/14

I had to work really hard to avoid swallowing air. In the beginning, if I took a sip with too much air in it, I would get crampy gassy feelings in my tiny stomach. This goes away.

I was lactose intolerant post op and had to find protein powder with no lactose and used unsweetened almond milk in my shakes as a result.

There was a lot of noisy gurgling going on! I was self conscious about it. It's gone away, thankfully! I thought it never would!

You will probably be tired, and get tired quickly. You just had major surgery, so be gentle with yourself.

They really do have everything you need at the hospital. Everyone says "Bring chapstick!" but when I mentioned to the nurse my lips were chapped, she brought me some. 

Warm or room temp liquids felt better for me than anything else. I drank a lot of lukewarm broth in the beginning.

The more you walk, the better you'll feel. 


32F 5'8" High weight: 432 | Consult weight: 396 | Surgery weight: 335 | Current weight: 170

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