Share your NSVs (Non-Scale Victories) and WOW Moments

Cathy W.
on 2/20/15 2:35 am

NSVs and WOW Moments are the milestones that happen along our WLS journeys.  They are motivating and treasured times so we want to celebrate them with you.

Each month, we're going to create a post on the OH Blog and OH's social media of NSVs and WOW Moments you've submitted to us. If you'd like to share your NSVs and WOW Moments, submit to us by email so the OH community can celebrate along with you. In your email, please make sure to include your OH Username.  If you have a high res photo that you'd like us to use, attach it to the email.  When you send us the email, you're authorizing us to share it on and OH's Social Media.  

Let's celebrate the many NSVs and WOW Moments of ourselves and each other.  


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

Grace J.
on 2/16/15 11:51 pm, edited 2/16/15 11:52 pm - Springfield, MO

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!  For years, I wanted to smack the woman that first said that to me at Weigh****chers!  WTH was she talking about!?  Food is awesome.  Yeah I ate too much but how could skinny feel better than food tasted?

Almost 5 years down the road, I understand now.  Oh I'm not at my goal, but I can taste it and skinny does feel awesome!

This whole journey has been a set of NSVs and WOW moments!  Just about 4 weeks ago, I could lean down over my legs without have to twist, grunt for air or suck in the gut!

Life isn't all about the weight husband has just gone through about 6 months of unemployment, thank God for this surgery or I would be 400 pounds now! I'm still unemployed (tho employed very part time).

This surgery is not the be all for weight loss...I kind of feel like I'm walking proof.  You can and will gain weight with the GSV if you don't take care! I got down to 205 and then zoomed back up to 245....I'm happy to say, I found the road again and am now under 200 pounds!  I've lost a whole person and moving toward a new me!

One of these days I'll post before and after pictures!  I feel amazing! And I love the comments I get from friends and acquaintances all the time!



Cathy W.
on 2/20/15 2:34 am

Congratulations on your success, NSVs and WOWs.  Regaining plus losing it plus more to be under 200 pounds is a big accomplishment. Isn't it wonderful to see the "1" instead of "2" on the scale??  

I'd love to see your before/after photos when you post them.  If you'd like to share your NSVs, please do!  

Best wishes for your continued success.


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 2/20/15 5:20 am

I always had the urge to smack them too when they said that crap to me. 

on 2/20/15 5:19 am

I put on a pair of pants today that I could not fit over my thighs in December!!!!!! I call them my new fat pants! 

I also found out that my S/O is taking me to Jamaica for a week in June!!  

Best. Day. Ever.!!!!!

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