Frisco- 5 Years !!!

on 9/29/14 6:45 am, edited 9/29/14 6:59 am

Well, I made it to 5 years.....

  When I first started this endeavor, I couldn't comprehend 5 years out.... heck I didn't know what 1 year was gonna look like !!!  

I could go on and on and write a long paper on 5 years right now from the things I've learned not only about this process but about myself and obesity, but that may be for another time.


The basic stats:   Super Morbidly Obese (learned a new term on my consultation paper work)  

Heaviest recorded weight: 352lbs.

Surgery Weight: 338lbs.(54bmi)

Lowest Post-Op weight. 144lbs.

Current weight: 151lbs.(24bmi)

Maintenance Weight Range: 148-152  

Post-Op WL 190lbs. in 13 months  

Total weight loss: 200lbs.  

Waist: 54" to 31"

Clothes from 4X to Medium and Smalls

Shoes from 10-10.5 to 8.5-9  


Maintained for 1 month shy of 4 years


Does my weight fluctuate..... it sure can and does. I've been as much as 10lbs. over. I didn't freak out about it because 160lbs. was supposed to be my eventual weight and 150lbs was my 10lbs. under for bounce. After living with the 10lbs. over for a few weeks, I didn't like it.... I felt "puffy" and it put me in never never land for clothes, seemed like I was in between sizes in just about everything.  

The personal changes:   There is no way I can list all the changes.... new ones still happen all the time.  

- Can tie my shoes without my head turning purple.

- Can wipe my butt with ease.... seems the fatter I got my arms got shorter.

- I can see Mr. Happy again without him standing up.... even than I only saw the top of his helmet.

- No seat belt extender on aircraft

- Can fit back into a couple of my cars that I got to big for.

- My motorcycles are much faster and more powerful without 200lbs.

- I bought and ride a skateboard !!!!

- I build and ride custom bicycles almost daily on my 12 mile loop.

- I just now changed the oil in one of my trucks.....did't need to jack it up.

- I have a pair of Levi's that are 4 years old that still fit and are in good shape.... that never happened before because I would blow the crotch out with the chub rub 

- I took up cooking a year after WLS and now have a food blog based on proper meals and portions.  


The work and related changes:   This also has become a work in progress.....after many years of being in the comforts of a large studio (maybe because I was obese) I'm much more mobile without the weight and I'm changing up my business model to a location based approach with a more global cliental.  


- Since my interest in food and lifestyle I've been shooting some food, wine and confections.(hire the former fat guy to shoot chocolate and desserts.....nice!)

- I have given several presentations to doctors, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, bariatric coordinators, hospital adminitrators about Obesity, WLS, nutrition and related. (weird right)

- I am in talks with a known TV chef about shooting a cookbook and series of videos.

- Several business opportunities that are WL related have been in the works and I am pursuing at least one of them.  

Overall, I just feel like the WL has opened up my "range" in just about every aspect of my life.... seems anything is possible again !!!   


Tip: Go for high percentages...  

I'm not going to get into it, you can look up my previous yearly posts... my outlook hasn't really changed.  

I will say that from what I've seen, there are NOT "many" ways to skin a cat (gross analogy I know) there are only a few ways that consistently work for the majority and many ways to screw it up.  


Life can be about risk, seems everything has a risk factor.  

Think percentage.....the odds..... the highest level of advantage. This is where there may be some personal range.  

I once read on this very forum...... "just because it works for 99 people, how do you know that your not the one person it works for"....... Well, that is true and I might take that chance on something else..... but do you really want to take a 1 in 100 chance on something this important?  

Take the higher percentage route !  


WLS generally is 3 parts:  

- Effectiveness/power of the surgery

- Education/Aftercare

- Commitment and compliance  

To give yourself the highest percentage to reach your desired goals, it helps to have those parts covered.

Are you "doomed" if you are weak in an area...... Absolutely area you are short in, you can make up in another.  


I'm not asking anyone to believe me or do what I do, find somebody who has done it like you want to do it and go to school on them. There are several on here currently that are active and at goal or near goal that really know what's up and can be your example.  


Am I cured? nope, I would still rather eat ice cream over broccoli ...... I'm currently on a reprieve from obesity, I think I'm on a right track and I will continue my education on the subject but *****ally knows.......  

My next two markers are 7 years and 10 years.  

To wrap it up, My wish is that everybody who goes through this or any WLS procedure, gets out of it what they want.....  

For now, I got mine and I got my life back and I can actually participate in my own story once again.



     The "Before"   Shooting from a Helicopter   The "GQ" shot   In my studio shooting the Mythbusters !   Indianapolis Speedway   Me and Jimbo   Ridin Dirty   Hangin with Iron Chef Morimoto in LA   Shooting Team Oracle Americas Cup   Me and my Godson in Northern Italy   Pushing 1000lbs. of soda for exercise   Getting some of that good kinda "Sugar" from Elina and Jennchap   The food !!!   

SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

Dawn ..
on 9/29/14 7:16 am - MI
VSG on 09/23/14

You are awsome and so inspiring to me!

Consult 12/9/13, Pre-Surgery Appt 9/5/14, Surgery 9/23/14, Height/5'.52", HW/273,  ConsW/268 ConsBMI/49, PreSurW/213 PreSurBMI/39, SurW/193.8 SurBMI/35.4, Drs GW/140-150 My 1st GW/160 2nd GW/145
Visit my online store at  Independent Consultant ID 30858

on 9/29/14 7:17 am

Happy 5 Years!  Thank you for sharing and all your advise. You are always inspiring and thought provoking. Best wishes for many more years of health and happiness!



Consult weight 4/7/14: 381.5   SW 7/1/14:


on 9/29/14 8:12 am

Happy Anniversary Frisco!  You're an inspiration to so many of us.  Thanks for sticking around and contributing to this forum for so many years.  You ROCK! :)

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 9/29/14 8:47 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Happy anniversary! Wow 5 yrs, I'm 5 months post op, so hoping to be rockin that sleeve like you are at 5 years. Luv the suit, totally GQ! Watching you push all that soda for exercise makes my back ache, ouch!, that's gotta be a guy thing! LOL You rock!

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 9/29/14 8:48 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
VSG on 10/15/12

Congratulations Frisco on achieving five rock solid years of success.  You've been an important role model for me and countless others.  I'm  grateful you've stuck around because I really don't think I would have been as successful as I've been so far without you.  You're one of my heroes and I'm glad to be following in your footsteps!  At my point in the journey, I'm very grateful to read about how maintenance changes over the years, and I always appreciate being reminded of the basics too.  

Dunno what is is about that Oracle pic but I absolutely love it!  



Ht: 5'2" |  HW 225, BMI 41.2  |  CW 115, BMI 21.0

on 9/29/14 9:18 am
VSG on 05/01/13

 Happy surgeversary!!!

whenever I see one of your posts I have to stop and 

read because I know you have something insightful and meaningful to say.

you have helped me on many,many occasions with your words of wisdom..



on 9/29/14 9:19 am

Very cool. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

on 9/29/14 10:00 am
VSG on 05/12/14

Congratulations on 5 years!  And thank you for staying around to dole out inspiration and sound advice.  Love all the photos!  

VSG with Dr. Michael Jiser, Lowell General Hospital

HW 281, GW 155, CW 149 5'11"



on 9/29/14 11:01 am

Congratulations! And thank you for your generosity in sharing your experiences, wisdom, and encouragement.

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