X-Post, exciting news today/ tummy tuck time

Linda B.
on 11/7/13 3:27 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

I don't want to make this a long story, but I was cruising the internet a couple of weeks ago, and discovered that a relatively local clinical research facility was looking for people seeking a tummy tuck or breast lift. Well, Mike & I inquired about the details, and today we were both accepted into the study. These will not be extended, but mini tt's. While the extended tt or body lower body lift would have been my first choice, the budget just can't be stretched that much (unlike the loose skin).

So, my surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, and Mike's will be a week later (if he can get the time off). Since Mike is new to his job, he won't be able to take me, so a trusted neighbor is driving me down, Mike will pick me up after work. The Dr. said I should be able to drive in a few days or as soon as I'm off pain meds. I hope I bounce back quickly.

Oh, the study is to see if a new surgical blood clotting solution is effective. The study is in phase 3, so it has already been tested, but to get FDA approval, the manufacturer needs to have a larger patient pool. The only costs we will have are a few days off work, compression garments, and pain meds. I'll let you know how it goes.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 11/7/13 3:34 pm, edited 11/7/13 3:34 pm - CA

WOW!  That is great! Wishing you a speedy recovery and back on skates soon!  I am just so excited for both of you..

putting one foot in front of the other...        
on 11/7/13 4:19 pm - lagrange, IN
This is exciting news! Good luck. I'm happy for you guys and cruising the Internet pays off again


on 11/7/13 8:22 pm

sweet! your timing was impecable.  I look forward to hearing about your experience.



Disclaimer: Although I am a doctor, I do not play one on TV, nor have I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express.  I've done a lot of additional research on WLS issues but am not qualified to give medical advice over the internet.  I'm happy to share my research with you, but you should see an acting professional if you want real medical advice.enlightened

Tracy D.
on 11/7/13 10:22 pm - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

What a fantastic opportunity, Linda!   I'm happy that you stumbled upon this and that it's going to work out for you.  Here's to a successful surgery and speedy recovery.  And remember to post pics!

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 11/7/13 10:31 pm
Wonderful news! I hope all goes great and your both happy with the results! Speedy recovery for you both!
on 11/7/13 11:01 pm
DS on 04/17/13

OMG! LUCKY! I wish you all the luck! That is awesome! Free tummy tuck!


SW-340, CW-164, GW-150, 14 pounds to go...


on 11/7/13 11:33 pm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
VSG on 10/15/12

Linda that's great news!  What a wonderful gift for both of you. Please keep us posted on your progress. 



Ht: 5'2" |  HW 225, BMI 41.2  |  CW 115, BMI 21.0

Ms Shell
on 11/8/13 1:39 am - Hawthorne, CA

So excited for you!!

on 11/8/13 2:18 am

I need the info!!! I need both of these. Are they still accepting people???

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


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